Career Connections

Career Connections for World Languages

  • Career Connections Toolkit for World Languages:
  • Career Lessons in the Target Language:

    • Lesson: How do I market a product in another country?
    • Lesson: How do I find a summer job abroad? 
    • Lesson: How will I furnish my home if working abroad? 
    • Lesson:  How do I find service abroad opportunities?

  • PBS Career Videos for World Languages
    • Videos of Ohio-based companies that highlight world language connections
    • Activities to accompany the PBS videos, for middle and high school

Career Connections began in 2012 as a joint initiative among the Governor’s Office of Workforce Transformation, Ohio Board of Regents (now the Ohio Department of Higher Education), OhioMeansJobs and the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce. The goal is to give K–12 students opportunities to become more aware of career opportunities; learn of their interests, talents and abilities; explore careers; and make academic and career plans for their future.
The Offices of Career-Technical Education and Learning and Instructional Strategies worked with regional work groups consisting of teachers, curriculum experts and school counselors to develop strategies that support integrating career-based learning experiences with academic content.

Last Modified: 10/31/2024 12:34:39 PM