Intercultural Unit Samples


These intercultural units and assessments were created by Ohio teachers, using the Ohio Backward Design template for world languages. Teachers determined an intercultural learning outcome and then created vertical unit plans across multiple proficiency levels. Whereas the units are for French, German, Latin and Spanish learners, they can be used as a model for creating similar units for any language. All curriculum should be chosen and approved locally.

Templates for Backward Design

Intercultural Units and Assessments

Download the full scope of themes, topics, essential questions and learning outcomes.
Proficiency Level Novice Intermediate Intermediate High /
Advanced Low

Identity: Who Am I?

Identity: Who Am I?  Who Are We?

Identity: Who Are We?

Sample Units and Assessments

French: Novice Low/ Novice Mid

German: Novice Low/ Novice Mid

Latin: Novice Low/ Novice Mid

Spanish: Novice Mid/ Novice High

French: Novice High/ Intermediate Low

German: Novice High/ Intermediate Low

Latin: Novice High/ Intermediate Low

Spanish: Intermediate Low/ Mid

French: Intermediate Mid/High

Latin: Intermediate Mid/ High

Spanish: Intermediate High/ Advanced Low

Proficiency Level Novice Intermediate Intermediate High /
Advanced Low

Comparing Cultural Celebrations

Community Through Cultural Celebrations

The Evolution of Cultural Celebrations
Sample Units and Assessments

French: Novice Mid/ Novice High

German: Novice Mid/ Novice High

Latin: Novice Mid/ Novice High

Spanish: Novice Mid/ Novice High

French: Intermediate Low/ Mid

German: Intermediate Low/ Mid

Latin: Intermediate Low/ Mid

Spanish: Intermediate Low /Mid

French: Intermediate High/ Advanced Low

Latin: Intermediate High/ Advanced Low

Spanish: Intermediate High/ Advanced Low

Archived Sample Units (2014)

Personal and Public Identities

Families and Communities

Beauty and Aesthetics

Global Issues and Challenges

Contemporary Life

Communications and Media

Last Modified: 12/11/2024 10:45:19 AM