Approved Assessments List FAQ


Third Grade Reading Alternative and Diagnostic Assessments

Alternative Standardized Assessment for Grades 3-8 for Chartered Nonpublic Schools (Alt 3-8)

High Quality Student Data (HQSD)

Gifted Prescreening and Identification

Tier 1 Dyslexia Screeners


Why does the Department use a common approval process for so many kinds of assessments?
In the past, each assessment area (Gifted Identification, Alternative Assessment for the Third Grade Reading Guarantee, etc.) had its own approval process. The current process, initiated for the 2018-2019 school year, streamlined the separate processes into a single Request for Qualifications (RFQ) and provides a common list across assessment areas. This process is intended to inform districts of possible multiple uses for various assessments and has strengthened the technical evaluation to ensure approved assessments are sound and appropriate measures.

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Will the Department have an assessment approval process each school year?
The Department intends to seek applicants through a similar process annually. Previously approved vendors can request annually to remain on the list by meeting certain criteria to establish that their assessment remains unchanged and current, provided there have been no changes at the state level (standards revisions, etc.). Barring changes, vendors will be required to submit a full evaluation every five years.

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How do vendors find out about the process for seeking approval of tests for use in Ohio?
Vendors that wish to receive notices regarding future postings on an RFQ process should complete the Vendor Contact Information Form or contact

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I received an email from NWEA about updated MAP Growth tests. Is this updated test approved for use?
No, the updated MAP Growth tests being released by NWEA in summer 2024 were not reviewed or approved by the Department. You may have received a communication from NWEA about choosing between the traditional MAP Growth assessment and a new version, requiring a decision by June 1, 2024. NWEA has determined that all schools and districts in Ohio will be staying with the current version of MAP Growth. There is no longer a need for you to take any action or return the form previously sent from NWEA.

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Why is one of the assessments we have used in the past no longer on the list?

There are multiple reasons why an assessment listed in the past may no longer be listed. Some vendors chose not to make an application or did not apply for every category approved in the past. It may indicate that a vendor is phasing out a product or choosing to focus on some other business concern. In other cases, vendors have introduced new versions that replace previously approved assessments.

In addition, the current approval process requires clarity, rigor, and transparency in both technical aspects and content considerations. Not every vendor that applies is approved. Every vendor with assessments that were not approved is provided feedback and given the opportunity to respond. Some do, and some of those assessments are approved as a result.
Prior approved lists are available on request should they be needed. Contact

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Where can we get cost information for the approved assessments?
The vendor’s contact information is found on the Assessment Information Form, linked to the assessment name on the list.

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Third Grade Reading Alternative and Diagnostic Assessments

Some assessments are approved as comparable for diagnostic and for the alternative standardized assessment, while others are approved only for one of these. Can you explain the differences?
Complete information about testing associated with the Third Grade Reading Guarantee can be found on the Third Grade Reading Guarantee webpage.

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Alternative Standardized Assessment for Grades 3-8 for Chartered Nonpublic Schools (Alt 3-8)

Who can use the Alternative 3-8 Assessments?
Ohio Revised Code §3301.0711(K) allows certain chartered nonpublic schools to use state-approved alternative assessments in place of the Ohio State Tests. This change pertains to assessments of mathematics and English language arts (ELA) in grades 3-8 as well as science in grades 5 and 8. Prior to this legislation, chartered nonpublic schools who accept students through state voucher programs were required to test those students using the Ohio State Tests.
The intent of the legislation was to allow schools participating in voucher programs to use a single assessment for both voucher and non-voucher students without requiring all students to be tested using the Ohio State Tests. For approval, alternative assessments must demonstrate a high degree of alignment to Ohio State Tests in terms of content and scoring, as well as meeting standards of reliability and validity.

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High Quality Student Data (HQSD)

How may High-Quality Student Data be used for teacher and principal evaluation?
Senate Bill 216, 132nd General Assembly, enacted changes to the Ohio Teacher Evaluation System (OTES) beginning with the 2020-2021 school year. For OTES 2.0, approved vendor assessments may be used as a source of High-Quality Student Data (HQSD).


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Gifted Prescreening and Identification

Can districts identify students who are gifted using remotely administered assessments?
Many publishers do not recommend using data from remote testing to make high-stakes decisions, including gifted identification. Keep in mind, districts should always administer tests consistent with the specifications in the publisher’s technical manual. Districts should clarify with publishers, specifically someone with expertise in the technical specifications of the assessment, if there are circumstances under which districts can test students remotely while still maintaining the validity of scores for gifted identification. Scores can only be used for gifted identification if they are valid per the publisher’s technical manual. 

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What is the difference between assessments that are approved for prescreening and those approved for identification?

When an assessment is approved for identification, a student who receives a qualifying score must be identified as gifted. Scores that students receive from instruments approved for prescreening only cannot be used to identify students as gifted; these instruments can be used to identify a student for further gifted assessment.

Some assessments listed for both prescreening and identification have a survey (brief) version or a particular battery that may be used for prescreening. Generally, the full versions of these assessments are approved for identification.

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Where can we find more information about gifted screening and identification?
Comprehensive guidance and an explanation of gifted screening and identification can be found at Gifted Screening and Identification.

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The Behavioral Checklist that my district has been using is no longer on the list, what can I use in its place for gifted ID?
Two of the Behavioral Checklists used for gifted ID are no longer on the list. However, there are two remaining checklists with expanded approval categories this year. See the chart below for a breakdown of the former and new approvals.
Behavioral Checklist Approval Summary
  Formerly Approved Now Approved (Also for Use)
Component Use Scales for Rating the Behavioral Characteristics of Gifted Students (Renzulli) Scales for Identifying Gifted Students (SIGS) Gifted Rating Scales (GRS) Gifted and Talented Evaluation Scales, 2nd Edition (GATES-2) Gifted Rating Scales -2nd Edition (GRS-2) Gifted and Talented Evaluation Scales, 2nd Edition (GATES-2) Department Developed Dance Checklist for High School
Behavioral Checklist Component for Creative Thinking Ability ID X (K-12) X (K-12) X (K-8)   X (K-12) X (K-12)  
Behavioral checklist component for Visual or Performing Arts Ability identification – visual arts X (K-12)   X (K-8)   X (K-12) X (K-12)  
Behavioral checklist component for Visual or Performing Arts Ability identification – music X (K-12)   X (K-8)   X (K-12) X (K-12)  
Behavioral checklist component for Visual or Performing Arts Ability identification – drama  X (K-12)   X (K-8)   X (K-12) X (K-12)  
Behavioral checklist component for Visual or Performing Arts Ability identification – dance     X (K-8) X (9-12) X (K-12) X (K-12) X (9-12)


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Tier 1 Dyslexia Screeners

Can our district use the same screener we use for the kindergarten reading diagnostic assessment as a Tier 1 dyslexia screener for kindergarten students?
Yes, as long as the screener is approved to be used for both purposes. However, for the purposes of Tier 1 dyslexia screening, districts should only administer the approved assessment after January 1, the administration date required in Ohio law (ORC 3323.251).

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Our district plans to use Product XYZ for our Tier 1 Dyslexia Screener, but it is only approved to be used for grades K-3. Can we also use it as a Tier 1 Dyslexia Screener for grades 4-6?
No. Dyslexia screeners must only be used in the grade bands for which they are approved. If a vendor assessment is approved only for grades K-3, the district must use another product that is approved to use for students in grades 4-6.

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What are the cut scores to determine whether a student is at risk for dyslexia?
Cut scores to determine whether a student is at risk for dyslexia are determined by the vendor, not by the Department. Please contact your current approved vendor or prospective vendor for scoring information about their screener.

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What data are districts required to report to the Department?
Under ORC 3323.251(C)(4), districts and schools must report Tier 1 and Tier 2 dyslexia screening measure results to the Department. Districts and schools will report individual student scoring information into the Education Management Information System (EMIS) during collection periods designated in the EMIS manual. Consult the most recent EMIS manual for complete information.

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Will the Department release a list of approved Tier 2 screeners?
The Department will not be creating a list of approved intervention-based diagnostic assessments for Tier 2 dyslexia screening. Teams working with students who are at risk for dyslexia will need to select intervention-based diagnostic assessments (Tier 2 dyslexia screening measures) meeting the criteria described in the Ohio's Dyslexia Guidebook. An example of an intervention-based diagnostic assessment (Tier 2 dyslexia screening measures) is provided in Appendix B. 

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Last Modified: 5/20/2024 3:43:21 PM