Ohio is Preparing Youth for High-Demand
Careers Through Innovative Cross-Sector Partnerships

$2 Million Grant

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Inspired by the New Skills For Youth grant, SuccessBound seeks to sustain this work beyond the terms of the grant. 

Ohio’s efforts to strengthen and expand career pathways got a boost thanks to a $2 million grant from the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) and JPMorgan Chase & Co. Ohio is one of 10 states to receive a New Skills for Youth (NSFY) grant, which directly aligns with many of Gov. John R. Kasich’s Executive Workforce Board’s initiatives and many Ohio Department of Education activities geared toward creating a comprehensive strategy to make sure Ohio’s students are ready for the workforce of the future.



Here’s What Ohio is Doing 

Identify and Align Career Pathways and Programs

  • Establish advisory committees in Ohio’s nine priority sectors to ensure alignment of career-focused pathways and industry credentials;
  • Integrate personalized course planning in student career advising in at least 50 percent of Ohio schools;
  • Increase student engagement in career planning through OhioMeansJobs and the creation of 30 percent more online student backpacks.

Pathway Quality and Availability

  • Increase the number of high-quality, in-demand pathways in each of the six JobsOhio regions by 10 percent, particularly in underserved areas;
  • Increase the number of students enrolled in high-quality, in-demand pathways by 20 percent, particularly in underserved areas;
  • Decrease the number of programs that are not high-quality, in-demand pathways by 15 percent;
  • Increase access and participation in high-quality, in-demand pathways by economically disadvantaged, African-American and Hispanic students by 4 percent.

Scale Pathways

  • Permit schools to integrate academic content so students may earn simultaneous credit in career-focused courses;
  • Establish and scale a College Credit Plus high-quality, in-demand career-focused pathway that blends rigorous academic and technical standards and results in students earning industry credentials of value;
  • Create and issue an OhioMeansJobs Readiness Seal to 10 percent of Ohio’s graduation cohort.


  • Make recommendations to the State Board of Education on college and career readiness metrics that result in all Ohio schools preparing students for transitioning to college and career opportunities after graduation;
  • Create a career readiness dashboard that informs stakeholders of student success upon completion of high-quality, in-demand pathways on measures including, but not limited to, work-based learning experiences, postsecondary enrollment, pre-apprenticeship participation and earning credentials of value.

Funding Alignment

  • Work with the Governor’s Office of Workforce Transformation to align state and federal funding streams from education, workforce development and economic development sources to effectively deliver career-focused programs to all Ohio students, particularly in underserved areas.

K-12/Higher Ed Collaboration

  • Increase the percentage of students graduating with industry-recognized credentials to 15 percent;
  • Ensure cross-institutional alignment of career-focused pathways resulting in seamless transitions for students and minimize institutional barriers through expanding the opportunity for transcripted credit and statewide articulation agreements.



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Last Modified: 7/16/2024 10:38:44 PM