Credit Flexibility
This education option gives students a way to be in charge of their learning. For some students, they see more value in school (“Why do I have to learn this?”) when they can connect learning with real world situations and future jobs. Credit flexibility is one way to increase a student’s interest in school and motivation to learn.
The key to this option is that the student drives the request as well as the plan to earn the credit. A specific interest or credit need of the student should be the basis for the request and the family and school should start by listening to the student. Educators and families may also work with students to initiate the plan for credit flexibility.
Key considerations:
1. Every school district has a policy on credit flexibility. Educators, students and families should find and review the policy.
2. Educators, students and families should discuss ways to fulfill the student’s credit request or need, including discussing the necessary components to meet requirements for earning high school credit(s).
3. Educators, students and families must develop a plan that includes how the student will know he or she has succeeded. The plan may include, but is not limited to, tests, demonstrations, projects or combinations of several measures and should address the intended learning outcomes for the student. There is no one way to develop a credit flexibility plan.
4. Schools and educators should work within their outlined credit flexibility policies and procedures to approve and monitor students’ progress toward meeting their plans and make determinations on awarding the identified credit(s) based on the student’s demonstration of subject area competency.
Schools and districts can consult the EMIS Manual 4.2 Course Master Record to review credit flexibility reporting procedures.
Last Modified: 10/31/2024 10:31:59 AM