Home Schooling

In Ohio, parents interested in educating their children at home may do so by notifying their local school district superintendent and meeting the requirements of Ohio law to home educate. Once the notification is received, the district superintendent releases the student from required compulsory school attendance. This exempts the student and family from school attendance requirements in state law. Please note that if there is evidence that a child who is exempt from the school attendance requirements is not receiving an education in the subject areas required under this section, then that child may be subject to section 3321.19 of the Revised Code.

Parents or guardians who decide to home educate their students are completely responsible for choosing the curriculum and course of study. They select the curriculum and educational materials and take responsibility for educating their children. There is no state financial assistance for families who choose this option.

If a home educated student returns to a public school, the district superintendent shall place the child in the appropriate grade level, without discrimination or prejudice, based on the policies of the child's district of residence.


Parents should start by notifying the superintendent of the school district where they reside about their intent to home educate their child/or children. Notification must be made within five calendar days after commencing home education, moving into a new school district, or withdrawing from a public or nonpublic school, and by the thirtieth day of August each year thereafter.

Here are the responsibilities of the district superintendent when families home educate their children.

Parents agree to:
  1. Provide instruction in English language arts, mathematics, science, history, government, and social studies, and;
  2. Notify the superintendent each year (parents may use the Recommended Notification Form)


Many parents think that online schools fall into the category of home education; this is NOT true. In Ohio, online schools are considered are internet based community schools (e-schools) or district operated online learning schools.

If your student is enrolled in an online school based out of state, you must notify your district of residence that your student will be attending an out of state school.  You do not need to provide an intent to home educate.


Ohio’s College Credit Plus program gives students in grades 7-12 the chance to earn high school and college credit simultaneously by taking courses at participating Ohio colleges or universities. Tuition is free if your home educated student takes classes at a public college. There may be modest fees for private college credit. Home educated students must notify the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce if they would like to participate in the program. See the College Credit Plus page for more information.


Legislation allows home educated students the opportunity to participate in extracurricular activities in public schools. An “extracurricular activity” is a pupil activity program that is run by a school or school district and is not included in a graded course of study. Activities include any offered at the school that the student would attend if enrolled in the public school district where the family resides. If the school district does not offer a particular activity, then the student may request to participate in another district’s program. The superintendent of the other school district may choose to allow the student to participate as an out-of-district student.
Home educated students must meet the same nonacademic and financial requirements as any other student participating in the activity. Fees and ability in sports, where there are cuts, apply.


EdChoice Scholarships do not provide funding for home education or partial enrollment in a chartered nonpublic school for home educated students. Home educated students who choose to cease home education and enroll full-time in a chartered nonpublic school are eligible to participate in the program. Find more information about the EdChoice Scholarships on this webpage.


Ohio law may allow for some home educated students to receive diplomas. Please see section 3313.6110 of the Ohio Revised Code.


Last Modified: 1/29/2025 10:16:49 AM