Open Enrollment

Created in 1989, intra- and interdistrict open enrollment is the process by which students can enroll into another school building or another school district on a tuition free basis. Intra- district open enrollment refers to students within a school district enrolling in the different school buildings of that district. Interdistrict open enrollment refers to native students of a district enrolling in another district by following that district’s open enrollment policies and procedures. Students enrolled under an open enrollment policy must be allowed to attend tuition free; funding for the program happens in a different way.

District Policy

If a district has more than one school building at any grade level, it must adopt an intra-district open enrollment policy and have procedures for deciding when students may be allowed to enroll in a school building other than the one assigned by the Board or district superintendent.  If the district only has one school building for students to attend all grade levels, then it need not adopt an intra-district open enrollment policy.

Regardless of the number of school buildings, all districts must adopt an interdistrict open enrollment policy that either:

  1. entirely prohibits enrollment of students from adjacent or other districts;
  2. permits the enrollment of students only from all adjacent districts; or
  3. that permits open enrollment from all other districts (commonly known as statewide open enrollment).

The interdistrict open enrollment policy must include procedures for notifying the superintendent of the applicable district when a student is accepted through open enrollment ORC 3313.98(B)(1)(a)The law also specifically states that the district accepting a student through open enrollment shall accept all credits toward graduation from the other districts the student has attended [ORC 3313.98(E)]. Districts cannot discourage or prohibit its own native students from applying to open enroll in other districts unless doing so would not allow the district to maintain an appropriate racial balance or comply with desegregation orders ORC 3313.98(F).

State law also prescribes what a Board’s open enrollment policies can and cannot include, as well as what information shall be shared with the public.  The law gives DEW the responsibility for monitoring open enrollment policies and procedures, and district compliance with its policies and procedures. The Open Enrollment Certification must be signed and filed with the Office of School Finance on an annual basis that certifies the district’s open enrollment policies comply with provisions in the ORC and that the district is complying with its policies. Upon request by DEW, a district is to report any complaints received related to its open enrollment policies for DEW review. OAC 3301-48-01(A) and 3301-48-02(A).

Informing the Public

School districts are required to inform residents every year about intra- and interdistrict open enrollment options available to pupils. All communications used to inform parents/guardians and students about the open enrollment options and all internal documents/forms used by the school district must accurately reflect the letter and spirit of the law. Upon request of a parent/guardian, school districts allowing interdistrict open enrollment must provide information about the educational programs and application procedures available.

Limitations to Open Enrollment 

A board of education may place the following limitations on the open enrollment of students through its policies: 

  1. A board of education may limit the size of individual classes, place a limit on a school building’s capacity, and/or limit the number of students in a particular educational program. 
  2. A board of education may limit open enrollment to ensure that an appropriate racial balance is maintained within the district’s schools. 
  3. A board of education may make interdistrict open enrollment available on a year-to year basis. It is recommended that potential students be advised of the possibility of closing a grade-level to open enrollment or a school district not adopting open enrollment in future years. 
  4. A board of education may limit interdistrict open enrollment to just adjacent school districts.  

A district must be aware of potential racial imbalances. It is possible for some districts to have one or more racially isolated school buildings. A racially isolated building may be considered one in which the racial composition varies significantly from the composition of the district. Both intra-district and interdistrict open enrollment laws require school districts to adopt procedures to ensure that an appropriate racial balance is maintained in the district schools.  

Boards of education may not make the following limitations: 

  • Establish requirements of academic ability, or any level of athletic, artistic, or extracurricular skills. 
  • Place limitations on admitting students because of disability, except a board  may decline to interdistrict enroll a student receiving services under Chapter 3323. of the Revised Code, if the services described in the student's IEP are not available in the district's schools, or for intra-district enrollment, require a student with a disabling condition to attend school in the building where services described in the student’s IEP are provided. 
  • Establish the requirement that a student be proficient in the English language. 
  • Deny enrollment because a student was subjected to a disciplinary action, with the exception of an applicant who has been suspended or expelled for a period of 10 or more consecutive days for the current semester or the semester immediately preceding the term for which admission is sought. 

If a district accepts open enrollment students, it must accept students from all grade levels, including special education preschool. Districts cannot limit open enrollment to only certain grade levels, however certain grades may reach the districts’ capacity limits. 

Listing of 2024-2025 Open Enrollment Policies in Ohio School Districts

Every spring, each school district in Ohio may choose whether or not to accept students through open enrollment for the next school year. This  Open Enrollment Listing lists school districts by district name and whether or not they will accept applications for the 2024-2025 school year.   

If you are interested in a certain district, contact the district's enrollment office for more information. Open enrollment application periods generally begin each spring for the next fall’s enrollment. Each district selects their own specific application process, schedule and students in accordance with state law.

Parents are responsible for transportation from a residence outside a district to the open enrollment district. Talk with the enrollment office about any school transportation that the district may be able to offer in some cases.

Last Modified: 8/20/2024 11:03:30 AM