Private Schools
Ohio has two types of nonpublic (private) schools. One type is a Chartered Nonpublic School and the other is a Nonchartered Nonpublic Supported School. The Ohio Department of Education and Workforce (DEW) charters schools; whereas other states may accredit their schools. Although chartered schools must report and submit many documents to the agency, please note that the Department does not maintain student records or transcripts for any students in Ohio. Such documents are retained locally at either the school or the local school district where the school was located.
How to Become a Chartered Nonpublic School
How to Become a Nonchartered Nonpublic School (NCNP)
Forms and Program Information
How can I find an individual school building?
A directory of both public and nonpublic (private) schools that are chartered can be found by navigating to the Ohio Educational School Directory (OEDS). Please narrow your search as much as possible for best results. If the school you are searching for has no results, this means the school is NOT chartered by the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce or the State Board of Education.
Private School Scholarships
State funded scholarships are available for many Ohio students.
Last Modified: 12/11/2023 9:26:26 AM