District of Residence Change (DRC) Guidance

When a child is removed from his or her home or permanent custody is granted to a person other than the child’s parent or a government agency, the court is required to determine the school district responsible for bearing the cost of educating that child. The determination is generally based on where the parent lives at the time the initial court order was issued. If the parent moves to another school district after the initial court order has been issued, the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce (Department) may name a different school district to bear the cost of educating the child.

ORC 2151.362 authorizes the Department to make this determination so long as the court order contains language indicating it is subject to re-determination by the Department.

If the parent moves to a residence in another Ohio school district, the school district named in the court order, or in a previous determination made by the Department, may file a district of residency change form (SF-DRC) with the Department to switch the burden of paying tuition for the child to another school district. To file a district of residence change (DRC) request, the school district must provide the following:
  • A court order or Department letter naming the school district responsible for paying tuition;
  • The county auditor’s real estate page or the Ohio Department of Taxation’s tax finder page showing the school district of the parent’s current residential address;
  • Two documents showing proof of parent’s current residence; and
  • The completed SF-DRC form.

Legal and Other Resources

Legal citations which are important for the DRC process:
  • ORC 2151.362 – Determining school district to bear cost of educating child - change of residence
  • ORC 3313.64 – Entitlement to attend school; district of attendance
  • ORC 3323.01 – Education of children with disabilities definitions
If a school district is not named in the court order, a DRC form cannot be filed. The Department does not have the authority to initially decide the district responsible for payment of tuition. If the court or government agency is silent about the school district responsible for paying for the child’s education, a district may consider petitioning the court for clarification.  Generally, under ORC 3313.64, the district that is responsible is:
  1. For a regular education student, the district where the parent resided when the child was removed, or custody was vested, whichever was first (ORC 3313.64 (C)(2)(a)). If the whereabouts of the parent are unknown, the district where the child resided when removed or custody was vested is responsible (ORC 3313.64(C) (2)(b)).
  2. If the child requires special education, the district where the natural or adoptive parent currently is residing during the school year (ORC 3313.64(C)(1) and 3323.01 (L)(1)). If the whereabouts of the parent are unknown, the district of the parent’s last known residence is responsible (ORC 3323.01 (L)(2))


  1. The current court or Department-named district notes a need to change the resident district to another district due to a bona fide move of the parent from one district to another. The named district obtains a copy of the SF-DRC form from the Department website and proceeds to complete the form.
  2. The SF-DRC form must be completed in its entirety and submitted to the appropriate regional area coordinator as a single pdf document for review.
  3. The assigned regional coordinator reviews the SF-DRC form and determines if the form is:
    1. Completed correctly and in accordance with the instructions; and
    2. Has a court order naming the specific district or a previous DRC determination letter from the Department attached/enclosed; and
    3. Has two proofs of a new address that are listed on the SF-DRC form and that are dated within the past 60 days; and
    4. Has the county auditor’s real estate page or Department of Taxation’s tax finder page indicating the school district in which the new address is located.
  4. The regional coordinator approves the SF-DRC form and submits it with supporting documents to the appropriate program administrator, then awaits DRC review panel approval.
  5. The DRC review panel reviews SF-DRC forms weekly. The review panel consists of one regional coordinator from each section of the State, a Department legal team member, and a program administrator designee.
  6. The DRC review panel reviews the SF-DRC request and:
    1. Approves as submitted; or
    2. Rejects as submitted; or
    3. Remands back to the originating regional area coordinator for additional follow-up with the requesting school district.
  7. Written notification of the review panel’s determination of the DRC is sent to the affected school districts and regional area coordinator.
  8. DRC request determinations are kept in a database for future reference.

Documentation Needs

  • County Auditor or Department of Taxation’s tax finder websites
    • The county auditor’s real estate page or the Department of Taxation’s tax finder pages with the parent’s current address are important tools to determine if the address is (1) a  permanent residence and (2) if the parcel is located within the district listed on the SF- DRC form.
    • A motel, camper, vehicle, or correctional facility are examples of temporary residences and cannot be used to make an official change to the district of residence for tuition billings.
  • Proofs of Parent’s Change in Residence
    • Proof of the parent’s change in residence is required to make the determination if the responsibility of tuition should be changed.
  • At least two types of proof must be submitted1 and must include the name and full address of the parent, and must not be older than 60 days from the date the superintendent or designee signs the DRC form. Proof with only a post office box address will not be accepted; however, it is acceptable if the district submits one proof with a post office box and one proof with a residential address.
  • For consistency and reliability purposes, only the proofs listed on the SF-DRC form will be considered. Acceptable proofs include:
    • Utility bill - A utility bill from an electricity, gas, water/sewer, residential phone, cable/satellite TV provider are acceptable.2
    • Real estate tax bill - The real estate tax bill reflects taxes paid on the residential property. The Ohio Department of Taxation’s tax finder is not considered a real estate tax bill for purposes of establishing proof of residence.
    • Bank statement - The statement must be a bank-issued document and include the parent’s name and full address.
    • Rent receipt - The rent receipt must include the date of payment and the address of the parent.
    • Documented affirmation of parent(s) address from district of residence where parent currently resides - A letter on district letterhead is sufficient to meet this requirement.
    • Notarized affirmation from parent(s) of current address - This document must be notarized by a licensed notary public. The date of the notary signature must be included.
    • USPS return receipt from certified letter sent to parent(s) by district of residence filing Form SF-DRC - This proof must include the date it was received and must be signed by a parent named on the Form SF-DRC. If someone else signs the USPS return receipt, it is not considered a valid proof.
    • Written confirmation from the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services of the parent(s) current address - This document must be signed and dated on department letterhead. If an e-mail is submitted, the transmission must be identifiable as the agency’s internal e-mail account.
    • Written confirmation from a local law enforcement agency of the parent(s) current address - This document must be signed and dated on department letterhead. If an e-mail is submitted, the transmission must be identifiable as the agency’s internal e-mail account.
    • Paystub - This document must have the name and current address of the parent listed on the Form SF-DRC.
    • Lease Agreement - The agreement must be a dated contract on letterhead of the rental agency and include signatures of the property manager and parent named on the Form SF-DRC.
  • Although two proofs are required to accompany the SF-DRC form, in extraordinary circumstances, such as the death of the custodial parent, one proof may be acceptable. If the parent is deceased, an obituary with the parent’s address can be considered. A death certificate will suffice if an obituary is not available.

Effective Date of Change

The effective date of the change in district of residence is the date when the review panel approves the SF-DRC form. If the new district named as responsible for tuition provides documentation that would support a different district being responsible for tuition, it would need to submit a new SF-DRC form.

Frequently Asked Questions 

Find District of Residence Change FAQs 
1 The Department legal team member may waive this requirement based on a notarized affidavit of a parent attesting to the new address or in the event of extraordinary circumstances.
Two separate utility bills will satisfy the requirement for two proofs.

Last Modified: 8/19/2024 3:56:42 PM