Summary of Updates for Chartered Nonpublic Graduation Requirements
A chartered nonpublic school is a private school that holds a valid charter issued by the state board of education and maintains compliance with the Operating Standards for Ohio's Schools.
Recently enacted legislation (House Bill 554) introduced amendments to pathways towards graduation for chartered nonpublic schools and transfer students going to or coming from chartered nonpublic schools. This document provides a summary of the additions and amendments that go into effect April 6, 2023.
ACT or SAT Graduation Pathway
3313. 618(D) - Chartered nonpublic schools have the option to offer only the ACT or SAT to their students (instead of the state end-of-course exams or an alternative test, like IOWA or Terra Nova). To meet graduation requirements, students need to receive a remediation-free score in English, mathematics and reading on the ACT or SAT and complete the school’s curriculum requirements. This pathway was available under previous graduation requirements for chartered nonpublic schools and this amendment now allows for this pathway under the current graduation requirements. This pathway is only available to students in chartered nonpublic schools who offer only one of these assessments.
Transfer Student Assessment Score Conversion
3313.618 (C)(2) - Students who transfer from a chartered nonpublic school offering an alternative assessment (IOWA or Terra Nova) to a school who offers Ohio’s state end-of-course exams can use their previously earned scores on an alternative assessment to meet their new high school’s graduation requirements. Districts are encouraged to use this conversion chart to convert transfer students’ IOWA or Terra Nova scores to Ohio’s end-of-course exams scores. The chart also allows for Ohio’s end-of-course exams to convert to IOWA or Terra Nova scores. This means that students transferring between any school with corresponding scores can use those scores to apply to the graduation requirements at their new school.
Last Modified: 9/10/2024 11:29:30 AM