Graduation Requirements 2014-2020

Click on a class below for previous Graduation Requirement guidance. 

Class of 2020

Talk to your school counselor early in the school year about your path to graduation and your future success.As a student who entered grade 9 between July 1, 2016, and June 30, 2017, you have multiple pathways to earn a high school diploma so that you can move on to your next steps in education or a career.

  • You must complete and earn a state minimum of 20 credits in specific subjects. Additionally, you must receive instruction in economics and financial literacy and complete at least two semesters of fine arts. Your district may have more graduation requirements. Your school counselor has this information.
  • You must demonstrate what you have learned. Choose a pathway below to show that you are ready for college or a job.
  1. Ohio’s State Tests - Earn 18 out of 35 points on seven end-of-course state tests. You can earn up to five points on each test. You need a minimum of four points in math, four points in English language arts and six points across science and social studies.
  2. Industry-recognized credential and score on workforce readiness test - Earn an industry-recognized credential or a group of credentials totaling 12 points and earn the required score on the WorkKeys test. Ohio pays for you to take the test one time. Some districts offer the Senior Only Program through which you can earn credentials in one school year.
  3. College and career readiness tests - Earn remediation-free scores* in math and English language arts on the ACT or SAT. Your district chooses either the ACT or SAT. You will take a one-time statewide spring test in grade 11 for free. *Ohio’s university presidents set these scores, which are subject to change.


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Class of 2018 and 2019

Talk to your school counselor early in the school year about your path to graduation and your future success.As a student who entered grade 9 between July 1, 2014, and June 30, 2016, you have multiple pathways to earn a high school diploma so that you can move on to your next steps in education or a career.

  • You must complete and earn a state minimum of 20 credits in specific subjects. Additionally, you  must receive instruction in economics and financial literacy and complete at least two semesters of fine arts. Your district may have more graduation requirements. Your school counselor has this information.
  • You must demonstrate what you have learned. Choose a pathway below to show that you are ready for college or a job.
  1. Ohio’s State Tests - Earn 18 out of 35 points on seven end-of-course state tests. You can earn up to five points on each test. You need a minimum of four points in math, four points in English language arts and six points across science and social studies.
  2. Industry-recognized credential and score on workforce readiness test - Earn an industry-recognized credential or a group of credentials totaling 12 points and earn the required score on the WorkKeys test. Ohio pays for you to take the test one time. Some districts offer the Senior Only Program through which you can earn credentials in one school year.
  3. College and career readiness tests - Earn remediation-free scores* in math and English language arts on the ACT or SAT. Your district chooses either the ACT or SAT. You will take a one-time statewide spring test in grade 11 for free. *Ohio’s university presidents set these scores, which are subject to change.


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Class of 2014 - 2017

Students in the classes of 2014-2017 continue to operate under their original graduation requirements. On Jan. 1, 2016, students may have the choice to use Ohio’s new graduation pathways to earn a diploma.

To earn an Ohio high school diploma, these students must meet both the course and testing requirements identified by the state of Ohio. Students must earn 20 credits in required courses. Additionally, they must receive instruction in economics, financial literacy and fine arts.

Students must take the required Ohio Graduation Tests (OGT). Students may use the new end-of-course exams to meet testing requirements.

A checklist provides information regarding the original testing and course graduation requirements, including an alternative pathway for those who pass four out of the required five Ohio Graduation Tests. Here is information about graduation pathways for students to earn high school diplomas.

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Last Modified: 1/9/2025 8:06:34 AM