Understanding and Advocating for Your Gifted Child

I-GET-GTEd (Javits Modules)

Districts are able to use the Javits professional learning modules to, among other things:

  • Build district capacity to deliver high-quality professional development in gifted education to five target groups: administrators, counselors, classroom teachers, parents and school psychologists;
  • Familiarize their districts with the characteristics of students who are gifted and with strategies for meeting their unique instructional, social and emotional needs;
  • Help their district meet local, state and federal requirements for ongoing high quality professional development;
  • Familiarize their district with differentiated instruction strategies that can be used to help all students achieve value-added growth.

Each module includes a combination of presentations, activities and resources individually designed to meet the needs of the target group

Last Modified: 8/14/2024 11:56:42 AM