Gifted Advisory Council

The Operating Standards for Identifying and Serving Students Who are Gifted (Ohio Administrative Code 3301-51-15) established the formation of a Gifted Advisory Council. The Council explores the development and implementation of state policies that affect identification, instruction, professional supports, and leadership for gifted education. The role of the Council includes:
  • Assisting in the development and updating of a Department-approved plan for gifted education in Ohio;
  • Advising on policy recommendations;
  • Serving as advisors in establishing criteria for review of proposals to implement innovative gifted services; and
  • Establishing criteria for identifying and recognizing schools, districts and other educational providers 

The Department is committed to a policy of equal opportunity for membership to the Gifted Advisory Council. Members represent a variety of stakeholders from diverse regions of the state, including parents, general and gifted educators, administrators, and others as determined by the Director of the Department of Education and Workforce. 

Gifted Advisory Council Membership List

FY25 Gifted Advisory Council Meetings

FY25 Gifted Advisory Council Workgroup Meetings

Gifted Indicator Workgroup

FY24 Gifted Advisory Council Meetings

Last Modified: 12/3/2024 4:12:03 PM