Special Education - Early Literacy

adult and child reading a storybook

Ohio is Focusing on Early Literacy

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The Ohio Department of Education and Workforce, through its Office for Exceptional Children, is implementing a comprehensive State Systemic Improvement Plan to improve the educational results of Ohio’s students with disabilities. The plan places the state’s strategic focus over the next several years on the area of early literacy. This focus recognizes the importance of early literacy and its relationship with student outcomes in Ohio. Students who do not acquire adequate language and pre-literacy skills struggle with learning to read. Students who read poorly in third grade are likely to read poorly in later years. Students who read poorly are more likely to drop out of school and, consequently, are rarely college and career ready.

Why Early Literacy?

Improving student outcomes through early literacy is a top priority for Ohio. Ohio is targeting early literacy because the data shows that early literacy is predictive of academic success, school completion and college and career readiness. Many students with disabilities throughout Ohio read significantly below grade level. Disability status, as well as factors such as poverty, greatly affect the likelihood that a student will drop out of school. Focusing on effective literacy instruction at an early age is crucial in improving Ohio’s educational landscape. 

The Plan to Improve Early Literacy

Ohio’s plan is aimed at leveraging resources, such as parent partnerships, teacher capacity, and state systems of support, over the next several years to achieve high student results. These results include: high-quality instruction that is more accessible; a language-rich environment in and outside of school; a system that delivers appropriate academic and behavioral supports; and effective literacy instruction and interventions for students with disabilities in less restrictive settings. The goal is to have more students with disabilities reading proficient or above by the third grade and to have students with disabilities ready for college, careers and/or independent living. 

Last Modified: 10/27/2024 7:47:39 PM