IDEA and Non-public/Private schools

The IDEA assigns responsibility for determining equitable participation to the LEA where the private school is located.  Provisions for service are made by the LEA for those students with disabilities attending a private school within its geographic boundaries by providing them with special education and related services, including direct services determined in accordance with 34 CFR 300.137.
Each LEA with private schools within its boundaries will receive a proportionate share calculation, if the private school enters a count of “eligible” students into the Non-public Data System (NPDS).  To enter the data in NPDS the non-public schools must log into their OH|ID account. Please note only the principal and the non-public data entry person named in OEDS has access to this account. Once in OH|ID, the user should click on NPDS and when the page refreshes, the non-public school’s name appears (a list will appear if the user is associated with more than one school). At the top of the page the right tab labeled User Manuals and Forms has directions that will assist with entering the data.
The data entered will be used for the proportionate share calculation and will ensure this is available to the LEA through the CCIP.  Please note this number includes all eligible students that have been identified, including students who may be attending a private school as part of a scholarship program such as the Autism Scholarship Program (ASP) or the Jon Peterson Special Needs Scholarship (JPSNS). “Eligible” means a student who has been evaluated (ETR) and found to be a student with a disability. LEAs can locate the proportionate share amount in the CCIP consolidated application behind the budget details page. 
To see the non-public proportionate share amounts, please refer to the spreadsheets at the bottom of this page.


This webinar describes the responsibilities and guidelines for the public district and the participating nonpublic schools located within the public district boundaries in the use of the portion of IDEA federal special education funds designated for the provision of equitable services to students with disabilities parentally placed at the nonpublic schools.
The webinar may be viewed by clicking on the section links below:  

Child Find
Provision of Services

  • The proportional share calculation is not an amount of money, nor is it a check to the private schools; it is a level of service the public school is required to provide to eligible children with disabilities attending private schools;
  • Just because private school A generates X amount of proportional share does not mean children receive that level of service. The amount of service (and which children are served) is determined by the LEA; and
  • LEAs are required to meet, on a regular basis, with all the private schools located within their  boundaries to discuss levels of needs and services.
illustration of the expenditures math calculations

It is the LEA’s role to verify the eligible students reported in the NPDS system. If the numbers are incorrect they should be sent back to the non-public for correction. Every effort should be made by the LEA to meet with the non-public and verify the numbers before they are entered. If the LEA is unable to work with the non-public to enter the information please contact the Resource Management Section of OEC at 614-466-2650.


Last Modified: 8/5/2024 3:41:38 PM