Annual Performance Report

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 (IDEA) requires each state to develop an Annual Performance Report. This report evaluates the state's efforts to implement the requirements of IDEA. 

The Annual Performance Report includes annual targets and data for 17 indicators of special education program performance. The Ohio Department of Education and Workforce (the Department) posted target options for public comment and worked with a broad range of stakeholders to establish measurable and rigorous annual performance targets.

​Annual Performance Report Components

  • Baseline data
  • Annual targets
  • Performance data for reporting year
  • Explanation of progress/slippage

District Special Education Profiles and Performance Data

The department annually:

  • Develops a Special Education Profile for each district, displaying the district's performance on the indicators included in Ohio’s Annual Performance Report. The Special Education Profile is released in two phases. The first phase, targeted for release annually in December, contains measures that may have required actions, including alternate assessment, exiting, compliance, and survey indicators. The second phase is targeted for release annually in May and includes results indicators to be used for continuous improvement planning. Phase two indicators do not have required actions.
  • Reports to the public on the performance of each district's special education program. This annual report is located on the Ohio's Special Education Profiles webpage and includes the state’s targets for each indicator and each district’s performance compared to those targets.

Annual Performance Report Archive


Last Modified: 10/29/2024 1:47:01 PM