Stay in the Game. Keep learning every day.Student success starts with school attendance. Students who are absent from school miss important learning opportunities, which can be difficult, or even impossible, to make up. The mission of the Stay in the Game! Attendance Network is to prioritize attendance by connecting its users to resources aimed at tackling chronic absenteeism. The Cleveland Browns Foundation, Ohio Department of Education and Workforce, and Proving Ground are deeply committed to this mission.

Find educator, parent, student, and community partner tools, including posters, yard signs, attendance trackers, and more at!

Check out the 2024 Attendance Awareness Month flyer for activities throughout September.

Everyone — educators, parents and families, community partners, and even students, can do their part to tackle absenteeism. Access resources, take the Attendance Pledge, and help us spread the word on the Stay in the Game! Attendance Network!

District leaders, sign up to join the Stay in the Game! Attendance Network!


Last Modified: 9/10/2024 3:02:42 PM