Consolidated School Report
Consolidated School Report
Annual Consolidated School Report
Ohio law requires traditional public school districts, including joint vocational school districts, to annually report on a specified set of data to the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce through the Consolidated School Report. Community schools and nonpublic schools do not report this data.
The purpose of the report is to consolidate reporting by collecting the information at one time and in one tool. The data being collected includes: training on the use of physical restraint and seclusion; training on harassment, intimidation, or bullying; training on cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and an automated external defibrillator (AED); compliance with nutritional standards; screening for hearing, vision, speech and communications, health or medical problems, and developmental disorders; and intradistrict and interdistrict open enrollment policy.
The reporting window defined in law is Nov. 1 - 30 annually.
Districts are required to report data from the 2023-2024 school year in the Data Collection application within the OH|ID web portal.
Report Window: The reporting window is open from Nov. 1 - 30, 2024. The deadline for completion is Nov. 30, 2024.
School Year of Focus for Data Collection: Use data from the 2023-2024 school year to complete the report.
Who Completes: Individuals identified as “superintendent” or “superintendent designee” for the school district in the Ohio Educational Directory System (OEDS) complete the report. For these identified contacts, the report survey is available in the Data Collection application within the OH|ID portal.
Preparing to Respond: Districts must respond to each question. To help school districts prepare information for the report, the questions are listed below.
Internet Browser: The Department recommends using the Chrome internet browser to complete the report survey.
OH|ID Portal: The report must be completed in the Data Collection application within the OH|ID portal. The name of the report in the Data Collection application is Consolidated School Report Program Year - 2024. Instructions and FAQs on using the OH|ID portal are available on the Department of Education and Workforce OH|ID portal help webpage.
Noncompliance: If the school district fails to complete the report or reports noncompliance by answering no to any question or by failing to upload the nutrition report, the district must provide to its board of education, within 30 days, a written explanation for why each item was not compliant and a written plan of action for accurately and efficiently addressing the problem.
Report Questions
Did your district provide training on the use of physical restraint and seclusion on students pursuant to Ohio Revised Code 3319.46?
As described below, the school district must provide training and technical assistance on the appropriate use of restraint and seclusion to identified key personnel.
Ohio law requires each school district to comply with any policy and standards set by the Department of Education and Workforce under this section.
Ohio Administrative Code 3301-35-15 establishes requirements and standards for the use of physical restraint and seclusion.
As specified in these requirements, school districts must ensure an appropriate number of personnel in each building are trained in crisis management and de-escalation techniques, as well as the safe use of physical restraint and seclusion.
Only staff trained in safe restraint techniques are permitted to use physical restraint, except in the case of rare and unavoidable emergency situations when trained personnel are not immediately available.
When using seclusion, the students must be under the constant supervision of staff who are trained to detect indications of physical or mental distress that require removal and/or immediate medical assistance.
Did your district provide training on harassment, intimidation or bullying pursuant to Ohio Revised Code 3313.666, 3313.667, and 3319.073?
Ohio law requires school districts to provide in-service training in child abuse prevention programs, school safety and violence prevention, and training on the board's harassment, intimidation, or bullying policy.
School districts must provide trainings, workshops, or courses on the district’s harassment, intimidation, and bullying policy to school employees and volunteers who have direct contact with students. Each person employed by any school district or service center to work in a school, including but not limited to, a nurse, teacher, counselor, school psychologist, or administrator, and volunteers who have direct contact with students are required to complete this training.
Did your school district provide training, if applicable, on the use of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and an automated external defibrillator (AED) under Ohio Revised Code 3313.60, 3313.6021, 3313.6023, and 3313.717?
The school district must offer first aid training, including a training program in CPR, to students in any of grades 9 through 12. Each school operated by a school district that offers grades 9 through 12 shall provide instruction in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and the use of an automated external defibrillator. Instruction shall include the psychomotor skills necessary to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation and use an automated external defibrillator.
Each person employed by the school district must be trained in the use of an automated external defibrillator. Training does not need to be provided to the following: substitutes; adult education instructors who are scheduled to work the full-time equivalent of fewer than 120 days per school year; or persons who are employed on an as-needed, seasonal, or intermittent basis, so long as the persons are not employed to coach or supervise interscholastic athletics.
Additional guidance on CPR and AED requirements is available.
Did your district report the district’s compliance with nutritional standards prescribed under Ohio Revised Code 3313.814?
School districts must adopt and enforce a nutrition standards policy that considers the requirements of Ohio law and governs the types of food and beverages that may be sold on the premises of its school(s).
Each school district must designate staff to prepare an annual report on the district’s or school’s compliance with the nutrition standards. A copy of the school district’s annual report must be uploaded in this Consolidated School Report. A sample annual report is available on the Department’s website.
Did your district screen first-time kindergarten or first grade pupils for hearing, vision, speech and communications, health or medical problems, and any developmental disorders pursuant to Ohio Revised Code 3313.673?
School districts must screen for hearing, vision, speech and communications, health or medical problems, and any developmental disorders for each kindergarten or first grade student enrolled for the first time by Nov. 1. School districts who do not have students enrolled in or provide kindergarten or first grade education should select the “Not Applicable” response.
Did your district comply with intradistrict and interdistrict open enrollment provisions in Ohio Revised Code 3313.97 and 3313.98?
Each school district must have an adopted open enrollment policy. The policy must indicate if the school district open enrolls, whether it accepts applications from parents residing in any Ohio school district, and whether it only accepts applications from parents residing in adjacent school districts. Joint Vocational School Districts are not required to have an open enrollment policy and should select the “Not Applicable” response.
I understand that if the district reports noncompliance by answering “no” to any question in this report or failing to upload the nutrition report, within 30 days, the district must provide to its board of education a written explanation for each noncompliant item and a written plan of action for accurately and efficiently addressing the noncompliance, as required by Ohio Revised Code 3301.68.
This acknowledgment is an assurance that the superintendent understands the requirements when there is noncompliance. If a school district reports noncompliance by answering “no” to any question in this report or failing to upload the nutrition report, it shall provide to its board of education, within 30 days, a written explanation for the noncompliance and a written plan of action for accurately and efficiently addressing the problem.
Last Modified: 9/19/2024 10:41:45 AM