How to Participate in School Committees and Teams
When families and teachers work together, children are more likely to be successful, attend school every day, and feel connected to their classmates and teachers. Parents and caregivers who are involved with school feel like they are part of the school community. One important way some families choose to participate in their child’s school is by joining a school team or committee. Parents and caregivers are able to meet other families and work with teachers and administrators to make decisions about the school or district.
How can I get involved?
Attend parent group meetings.
At most schools, there are groups for parents and caregivers to meet together. In these groups, parents and school personnel discuss their concerns and plan activities to support all students, teachers, and families in the school. Sometimes parent groups may focus on specific topics or groups.
Sometimes the group may be called the Parent Teacher Association (PTA) or Parent Teacher Organization (PTO).
Join a school leadership team.
In Ohio, every school or district has teams that work together to improve their schools. The teams usually include staff and administrators from the school, community members, and family representatives. If you are interested in being a part of a school leadership team, you can ask your child’s teacher, school principal, or another parent about the opportunities in your school or district.
Parents and families like yours can join these teams. You can share important recommendations and ideas with school leaders. Parents or caregivers who are in school teams help schools make important decisions. They support change to improve the school and learning. Below is information about the types of teams you may find at your school.
- District Leadership Team
This team includes school staff, community partners, and school leaders. They oversee the school district. This team focuses on changes that affect the entire school district.
- Building Leadership Team
The building leadership team includes school staff, teachers, and school leaders. These leaders include the principal and school administrators. This team focuses on changes at a single school.
- Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports Team
Ohio schools have Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) teams. They work with families and school staff to make sure that the school is using practices that support each student’s well-being and learning.
What questions can I ask the school?
- What are the different ways I can get involved at the school?
- Who can I ask about how to get involved in the school?
- Do I need to know English to get involved?
- How do I volunteer at the school?
- What parent or family groups can I join?
What if I do not feel comfortable speaking English?
Schools must provide interpreters for families. Interpreters can help families talk with teachers and school staff. The school can also provide interpreters available to help families at school events. You may also request interpretation or translation from the school at no cost. Learn more in our Using Interpreters section.
Additional Resources
Access the
Glossary to learn more about specific terms.
These resources aim to bolster academic, student wellness, and college and career outcomes for Ohio's English Learners. Resources were created through a collaborative effort between the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce and The Ohio State University's Center on Education and Training for Employment along with a dedicated group of family advocates, community leaders, school district staff, and teachers.
Last Modified: 10/23/2024 2:47:59 PM