Parent and Family Involvement Policy Provides Guidance to Local School Boards

The State Board of Education of Ohio recognizes parents and families as children’s first and most important teachers. When parents enroll their children in school, from preschool through high school, the responsibility of education and care is shared with the school and the community. Partnerships among families, schools and communities that are child-centered and family-strengthening can engage, guide and motivate students to be productive citizens in a global society.

The State Board of Education has approved a model parent and family involvement policy that will help districts meet and exceed legal requirements. Local school boards are encouraged to incorporate the recommendations included in this policy, which will enhance existing parent involvement policy requirements stated in Ohio Revised Code (ORC) Sections 3313.472 (A), 3324.04 and 3324.06; No Child Left Behind, Title I, Section 1118; Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA) 2004 Sections 650 and 664.

The recommendations can be used in the development of local practices, programs, data collection and evaluation.

Last Modified: 12/20/2024 10:05:34 AM