Procuring Goods and Services for School Nutrition Programs

​Procuring a Vendor, Caterer, or Food Service Management Company

All School Meal Programs procuring goods or services for their programs must follow United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) procurement requirements and have formal contracts in place. Please see below templates for guidance:

Per the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) federal school meal program regulations, Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) that contract with Food Service Management Companies (FSMCs) must:

  • limit an LEAs use of nonprofit school food service account funds to costs resulting from proper procurements and contracts;
  • ensure that allowable costs paid from the nonprofit school food service account be net of all discounts, rebates, and applicable credits;
  • send to the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce (DEW) all bid,  contract and contract renewal procurement documents of FSMC services in advance of document signature execution.

To assist LEAs in preparing bid and contract documents, DEW provides samples within the CRRS System. The same documents may be used for both the request for proposals and final contract. As a reminder, all RFP and contract documents must be approved by DEW before publishing/distributing and again before signing. 

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Last Modified: 10/23/2024 12:57:19 PM