Child Nutrition Programs Trainings and Webinars

The Ohio Department of Education and Workforce (DEW) offers several opportunities for training on child nutrition programs. 

2022 Supply Chain Assistance Funds Town Hall Webinar

Nutrition Programs Training and Vendor Shows

Presentations and Resources from Nutrition Program Training and Vendor shows in previous school years may be found in the "Download Forms" section of the Claims Reimbursement and Reporting System (CRRS). 

Child Nutrition Program Trainings

Basic Training: The SNP basic training course presents information about the regulations and reporting procedures for National School Lunch and Breakfast Programs and After-School Snack Program. Attendees learn about the regulations governing the USDA SNP and how to prepare the required program reports, plan menus, approve student meal applications and all other facets of operating the programs. To register, please visit the CRRS training registration page.

Administrative Review Training: This training prepares school food professionals for the SNP administrative review , details processes and discusses required documentation. To register, please visit the CRRS training registration page.

CACFP Recordkeeping Training: This training provides guidance to CACFP sponsors of childcare centers, Head Start programs, afterschool programs, emergency shelters and adult day care centers. This training serves as a refresher for staff responsible for paperwork and oversight of the CACFP. It is required that at least one person from your organization completes the training each year online or in person. Please visit the CRRS training registration page to register. 

Registration for Trainings and Webinars

To register for trainings or webinars, visit the Claims Reimbursement and Reporting System (CRRS) Training Management webpage. Contact your assigned education program specialist with questions.


CRRS School Meal Program training


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Last Modified: 8/5/2024 4:25:24 PM