Food and Nutrition Waivers

The United State Department of Agriculture (USDA) funds the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs. USDA defines the rules and regulations for the program operations.  Periodically, the USDA revisits the program rules and regulations and allows certain flexibilities or waivers. To apply for flexibility or a waiver, click on the survey link following the flexibility or waiver listed below.

Confirmation Review Official Waiver Application

USDA requires all Local Educational Agencies to conduct a verification process on a sample of free and reduced price student meal applications collected in a school year. Prior to any other verification activity, a Local Educational Agencies official, other than the official who made the initial eligibility determination, must review each approved application selected for verification to ensure that the initial determination was accurate. This requirement is waived (annually) if the Local Educational Agencies uses a technology-based system that demonstrates a high level of accuracy in processing an initial eligibility determination. To apply for the Confirmation Review Official Waiver Application, please access the Claims Reimbursement and Reporting System (CRRS), USDA Waiver section.   

​​Age/Grade Group Separation Waiver (Residential Centers)

To obtain waiver to the National School Lunch Program age/grade group separation requirements for planning and serving school breakfast and lunch program reimbursable meals, please send a written request or email to Brigette Hires, Office of Nutrition.


The Ohio Department of Education and Workforce  is requesting the following program year 2024-2025 waivers from the USDA.

School Year 2024-2025 Unanticipated School Closure Waiver: Request to waive certain requirements of the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP), Seamless Summer Option (SSO), National School Lunch Program (NSLP), School Breakfast Program (SBP), and Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) regarding ability to move to a non-congregate option with parent/guardian pick up and meal service time flexibility on days with unanticipated school closures. Program type depends on if virtual classes are offered (NSLP/SBP) or virtual classes are not offered (SFSP/SSO). Only nutrition sponsors in good standing will be approved for the waivers. The waiver runs through June 30, 2025. This waiver is approved by USDA as of July 25, 2024.

Family Day Care Home (FDCH) Oversight and Monitoring Waiver: Request to waive certain requirements of the Child and Adult Care Food Program monitoring regulations regarding onsite monitoring to allow a FDCH sponsor in good standing to choose to perform up to one offsite monitoring review per FDCH provider that has not been in serious deficiency in the past 12 months per Program year. This waiver is approved by USDA as of April 11, 2024.

Summer 2024 Child Nutrition Programs Waivers: Request to waive certain requirements of the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) and Seamless Summer Option (SSO) regarding ability to move to a non-congregate option with parent/guardian pick up and meal service time flexibility on days with declared excessive heat, air quality alerts and unanticipated school closures. Only nutrition sponsors in good standing will be approved for the waivers. This waiver is approved by USDA as of March 22, 2024.

Summer Electronic Benefits Transfer (S-EBT) Waivers: Request to waive certain requirements of the Summer Electronic Benefits Transfer (S-EBT) program including timing to notify households of application approval, timing to notify households of denied applications, timing of following up with households with an incomplete application, issuing benefits at the start and during the summer operational period and timing to provide replacement cards. 

Community Eligibility Provision June 30 Deadline Waiver: On behalf of Ohio School Food Authorities (SFAs), the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce (DEW) is requesting a waiver of the requirement that SFAs declare their intent to participate in CEP by June 30, 7 CFR 245.9(f)(4)(i). DEW is requesting a statewide waiver for SFAs that have decided they can financially support CEP for school year 2024-2025 if they declare their intent to participate in CEP to DEW on or before September 16. This waiver is approved by USDA as of September 4, 2024.

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Last Modified: 9/6/2024 8:37:19 AM