Summer Food Service Program Component

The Summer Food Service Program provides sponsoring agencies reimbursement for nutritious meals and snacks at sites that meet eligibility requirements when school is not in session. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food Nutrition Service (FNS) administers the program at the national and regional levels. In Ohio, child nutrition programs are administered by the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce (DEW).

Who is eligible to apply?

  • Public or private nonprofit school food authorities;
  • Public or private nonprofit summer camps;
  • Units of local, municipal, county, tribal or State governments;
  • Public or private colleges or universities which are currently participating in the National Youth Sports and Precollege Programs; and
  • Private nonprofit organizations (special considerations and restriction apply).

Amount of Funds Available

The SFSP is a reimbursement program. The actual amount earned by a sponsor is based on the number of meals served, by type, and in some cases, the individual eligibility of the child served.

Information about Summer Food Service Program Component

Administering the Program

Marketing, Outreach and Tools

Civil Rights

Claims Reimbursement and Reporting System (CRRS)

System used by schools and community agencies enrolled in USDA Child Nutrition Programs through DEW to submit required data and apply for meal reimbursements.

Food Procurement

Current food procurement templates are available in the Claims Reimbursement and Reporting System. Go to Applications, then Download Forms.

Guidance, Handbooks, Regulations, and Policy Memorandums

For the most recent guidance and resources, handbooks, legislationpolicy memos, and regulation updates on the Summer Food Service Program, visit the USDA Food Nutrition Service websites linked above.

Ohio Policy Memorandums:


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Last Modified: 1/15/2025 12:28:44 PM