Crisis Prevention and De-escalation Training Requirements and Guidelines

As outlined in Ohio rule, each school district must ensure an appropriate number of personnel in each building are trained face-to-face1 annually in evidence-based crisis management and de-escalation techniques, as well as the safe use of physical restraint and seclusion.

While the Ohio Department of Education does not endorse specific training programs, there are minimum training requirements for appropriate crisis management and de-escalation (physical restraint) trainings. The following guidelines provide information about the requirements school districts must consider when selecting training programs.

Acceptable Trainings

Acceptable training in the administration of physical restraint must be evidence based and include:
  1. Proactive measures for preventing the use of physical restraint;
  2. Crisis management;
  3. Documentation and communication about the restraint or seclusion with appropriate parties;
  4. The safe use of restraint and seclusion;
  5. Instruction and accommodation for age and body size diversity;
  6. Directions for monitoring signs of distress during and following physical control;
  7. Debriefing practices and procedures;
  8. Face-to-face training;
  9. A simulated experience of administering and receiving physical restraint; and
  10. Participant demonstration of proficiency in the above items.

Direct Interaction

The rule also requires that staff who interact directly with students are trained to perform the following:
  1. Identify conditions such as the location, under what conditions, individuals involved and reason for inappropriate behavior;
  2. Use preventative assessments that include at a minimum:
    1. A review of existing data;
    2. Input from parents, family members and students; and
    3. Examination of previous and existing behavior intervention plans.

Required Documentation

School districts are required to maintain written or electronic documentation about the above training(s), which must include the following:
  1. Name, position and building assignment of each person who has completed training;
  2. Name, position and credentials of each person who provided the training;
  3. Date the training was completed; and
  4. Protocols, techniques and materials included in the training.

Ongoing Training and Professional Development

The Department recommends ongoing training and professional development that contains the following components:
  1. Education on the physiological and psychological impact of physical restraint on the student and family;
  2. Direction for age-appropriate processing, reestablishing rapport and appropriately supporting the student to reengage in learning;
  3. Guidance for staff on debriefing the event (for example, escalation of the event, planning for future areas of improvement to foster restraint reduction and student engagement) and properly documenting and communicating about the restraint with appropriate parties (such as parents, guardians, social workers);
  4. Training about the components of creating a functional behavior assessment and implementation and monitoring of a behavior intervention plan; and
  5. Trauma-informed care.

1 Training cannot be done through pre-recorded videos or modules. Training completed in a virtual setting must be live (synchronous), with cameras turned on to ensure engagement and participation.

Last Modified: 6/5/2023 9:16:18 AM