About Ohio PBIS

The Ohio PBIS Network and the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce welcomes your interest in Ohio’s framework for implementing Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports in your school, community school, or your district. The PBIS efforts in Ohio are primarily supported by the Department's Office of Integrated Student Supports, the sixteen regional State Support Teams (SST), many Educational Services Centers (ESC), and interested schools like your own.

Are We Ready to Get Started with PBIS?

If your school is new to the PBIS process it is critical that you evaluate whether you have the necessary prerequisite structures in place to support a PBIS framework. If you are seeking initial training and support with PBIS, you should be aware that the Ohio PBIS Network training supports will not be provided by the above cited agencies unless your school can demonstrate that you have these needed structures established. 


The implementation of PBIS involves a long-term commitment to a process of evaluation, planning, development, and renewal. Typically, schools need to anticipate a 3 to 8 year commitment in order to develop the highest quality program implemented with fidelity.

A PBIS school has a broad based consensus among its staff as to the value of the framework and a commitment to sustain the framework over time. A cornerstone of PBIS schools is their consistency in maintaining and supporting behavioral expectations for students throughout the school environment. This requires a consistency in adult behaviors and values. Administrative consistency and leadership is fundamental to PBIS implementation for students, parents, and staff.

General Administrative Commitments

Administrative investment is essential to long-term success of PBIS in a school. School administrative leaders should plan to commit to the following:

  • Obtaining and maintaining needed training for themselves and their staff.
  • A commitment to regular attendance and involvement with team meetings in support of PBIS at all levels (teacher based teams, building leadership teams, district leadership teams, or other).
  • Preparation to take a leadership role in modeling and sustaining the values, beliefs, and actions to support PBIS.
  • A commitment to maintaining an ongoing Improvement Process.

Resource Documents

Additional Information

Last Modified: 7/22/2024 2:47:12 PM