Whole Child Network Meetings
2023-2024 Meetings
Supporting Ohio's Students Through School-Based Health Centers (May 21, 2024)
Featured Presenters: Christina May, School-Based Health Coordinator
Tiffany Ways, Chief School Health Officer, Health Partners of Western Ohio
Christina May, the Department's School-Based Health Coordinator, and Tiffany Ways, Chief School Health Officer from Health Partners of Western Ohio, presented on physical health, School-Based Health Centers (SBHCs), and the connection with Whole Child education.
Chronic Absenteeism and the Whole Child (Mar. 19, 2024)
Featured Speaker: Patrick Hickman, Ohio's Attendance Advisor
Patrick Hickman provided information on what chronic absenteeism is, attendance statistics and chronic absenteeism rates in Ohio, and how attendance relates to and impacts the whole child.
The Science of Learning and Development (Oct. 24, 2023)
Featured Speaker: Arizona State University, The Center for Whole-Child Education
Arizona State University's Center for Whole-Child Education provided an overview of the key principles of the science of learning and development aligned to whole-child practices. Participants explored core concepts of neuroscientific and developmental research behind whole-child design practices that create the context to nurture individual student development and learning, and learned to build and enhance systems, structures and practices.
Comprehensive School Safety (Sept. 27, 2022)
Featured Speaker: Marysville Exempted Village School District
This Whole Child Network webinar focused on the tenet of safety and highlighted Marysville Exempted Village School District as an exemplar for comprehensive school safety. Mark Gallagher, Multi-tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) Coordinator, discussed Marysville’s prevention programming, universal screening and surveying and intervention programs.
How do we focus on supporting the needs of the whole child? (Oct. 25, 2022)
Featured Speaker: Ohio Association of Student Leaders
This Whole Child Network webinar focused on supporting the needs of the whole child. Students from the Ohio Association of Student Leaders shared how schools and districts can best support student needs. Lisa Westman, author of the book, Teaching with Empathy, shared how to how educators can better understand learners and create meaningful connections.
Supporting the Health of All Students (Nov. 15, 2022)
Featured Speaker: Fort Frye Local School District
Fort Frye Local School District and the Washington County Health Department shared how they address the health of students and the community in this webinar. Their partnership addresses multiple facets of health, such as: nutrition, physical activity, tobacco prevention and mental health. Staff, students and families are involved in community-led health initiatives, such as a farm-to-school program and plans for building a multi-use path.
Ensuring Students are Challenged and Prepared for Success (Jan. 18, 2023)
Featured Speaker: Mason City Schools
This Whole Child Network webinar focused on challenging students. Information was shared on personalized learning initiatives in the state. Mason City School District's approach to challenging and engaging students through personalized learning was highlighted.
Engaging All Students (Feb. 14, 2023)
Featured Speaker: Crestview Local School District
The focus of February’s Whole Child Network webinar was student engagement. Board Member Mark Lamoncha and administrators from Crestview Local School District were the featured speakers for the webinar. Lamoncha and Crestview Schools shared how students are engaged in STEM education and workforce development initiatives. Crestview Local School District partners with Humtown and other local businesses to engage students in the community in meaningful ways.
Sustainability (March 14, 2023)
Featured Speaker: Montgomery County ESC
This Whole Child Network webinar focused on sustainability. Guidance was provided on how to coordinate policies, processes and practices grounded in the continuous improvement process and how federal funding sources can be used to support a whole child approach. Jessica Davies and Amanda Deeter from the Montgomery County ESC shared how they have built capacity for a whole child approach and continue to sustain their efforts
Whole Child Pilot District Spotlight (April 18, 2023)
Featured Speaker: West Clermont School District
This webinar featured one of the Whole Child Professional Learning Pilot Sites, West Clermont School District. Director of Student Services, Eric Dool, shared how West Clermont is addressing root causes of chronic absenteeism through implementing a comprehensive system of supports addressing student needs.
Whole Child Pilot District Spotlight (May 16, 2023)
Featured Speaker: Marion City Schools and Scioto Valley Local School District
May's webinar featured two of the Whole Child Professional Learning Pilot Sites, Marion City Schools and Scioto Valley Local School District. A panel of speakers shared the whole child vision and action steps for each district. The speakers shared each communities' unique challenges and coordinated efforts among internal and external partners to meet the needs of each child.
Last Modified: 7/5/2024 1:55:17 PM