Supporting Students with Diabetes

Schools and districts can support students with diabetes by implementing policies and procedures that encourage the implementation of a diabetes medical management plan for each diabetic student and by procuring glucagon for diabetic emergencies. With policies and procedures in place, schools can increase students’ well-being, attendance and academic success. This webpage provides information on diabetes, plans, training, glucagon and reporting.


Diabetes is a chronic health condition involving how the body turns food into energy.  With this metabolic disease the body cannot produce enough insulin to keep the blood sugar in normal levels. People with diabetes often need to take insulin throughout the day to keep the body’s blood sugar from going too high. When a student with diabetes has a blood sugar that is either too high or too low the student’s ability to focus and learn is impacted. Schools can promote wellness and engagement in students with diabetes by:

  • Establishing positive communications with the family and healthcare provider;
  • Assuring their staff is trained to assist students with their diabetes management;
  • Implementing medical management plans for students with diabetes; and
  • Procuring stock glucagon for diabetic emergencies.
A board of education or governing authority may reference the U.S. Department of Education’s Section 504 Protections for Students with Diabetes when informing a student's parent, guardian, or other person having care or charge of the student that the student may be entitled to a 504 plan regarding the student's diabetes.

Diabetes Medical Management Plan

Management of a child’s diabetes while at school will be most successful when done as a partnership between the child, their parents, school nurse, medical provider, teachers, principals and coaches. Having a personalized diabetes medical management plan in place for each student with type 1 diabetes is essential to successful management of a student’s diabetes during the school day. The American Diabetes Association offers a sample Diabetes Medical Management Plan that can be used however, a student’s physician may provide one that is more specific to their healthcare facility or electronic medical record system.

Sample Plans

Diabetes Training Materials

Ohio law requires the Department to adopt nationally recognized guidelines, as determined by the Department, for the training of school employees in diabetes care for students. The Department recognizes the trainings and guidelines on Diabetes for schools available on the American Diabetes Association’s Safe at School webpage.

Importance of Glucagon

Glucagon is a protein hormone that is produced naturally in the body to promote an increase in blood glucose levels.  For diabetics, a hypoglycemic event (when the blood sugar drops too low) can occur at any time, at home, school, work or play. Blood glucose levels that drop too low can be life threatening. Students who are experiencing a severe low blood sugar event can exhibit symptoms such as: feeling weak, having difficulty walking or seeing clearly, unconsciousness or seizures and are often unable to treat themselves. There is a medication form of glucagon that can be used to treat very low blood sugar. In the event of a severe hypoglycemic event this medication can save a student’s life. Schools have the ability under Ohio Law for public schools, nonpublic schools and community schools to purchase or procure stock glucagon to be used in the event of a diabetic emergency. If a school or district chooses to procure stock glucagon, they must develop a written glucagon policy. The information below is provided as a guide for schools and districts in the development of their policy.

Glucagon Policy and Procurement

Ohio law requires that if a school or district chooses to procure injectable or nasally administered glucagon, they must adopt a policy governing maintenance and use of the drug.  Ohio law for public schools, nonpublic schools and community schools includes required components of the policy.
Schools and  districts may accept donations of injectable or nasally administered glucagon from a wholesale distributor or manufacturer, such as a pharmacy, and may accept donations of money from any person to purchase the drug. 
Schools and districts choosing to procure injectable or nasally administered glucagon must meet all requirements of the Ohio laws linked above and are encouraged to maintain, at all times, at least two doses of the drug at each school operated by the district. 


Ohio law requires schools and districts to report to the Department yearly the number of students enrolled with a medical diagnosis of diabetes and the number of diabetic medication administration errors. Ohio law also requires a school or district that elects to procure injectable or nasally administered glucagon to report to the Department each procurement and each occurrence in which a dose of the drug is used from a school's supply.

  • Public and Community schools should report in Education Management Information System (EMIS). For more information on how to report in the system, contact the district's EMIS Coordinator or see section 5.3 of EMIS manual.
  • Non-Public schools should report in the Non-Public Schools Data System (NPDS). See Instructions for Reporting in NPDS for further information.
Ohio law requires the Department to issue a report summarizing the information received for the previous school year and make it available on the Department’s web site. The 2022-2023 diabetes annual report is now available.

Free or Reduced- Cost Glucagon

Additional Resources

Last Modified: 11/13/2024 3:02:23 PM