Advancing and uplifting the education professions in Ohio schools.
Raising spirits, knowledge, skills and performance of the education workforce to create positive environments to elevate students.
Resources to Elevate Educators
- Teacher Leadership - Teacher leaders are essential to the advancement of teaching and learning in Ohio’s schools. They help drive efforts for change and improvement in schools and enhance success. Discover the central components of teacher leadership in Ohio.
- Mentoring - Mentoring is an essential component of career development, and can improve retention rates, facilitate succession planning, and provide opportunities for professional and personal growth. Whether new to education, new to a district or school, or having changed content area or role, mentoring can support each educator’s unique journey in their career. Explore this section to learn how to create integrated support systems for both new and experienced educators.
- Ohio Education Association (OEA) - OEA represents more than 121,000 teachers, faculty members and support professionals who work in Ohio’s schools, colleges, and universities to help improve public education and the lives of Ohio’s children. OEA members provide a wide range of professional education services in communities throughout the state.
- Ohio Federation of Teachers (OFT) - The Ohio Federation of Teachers is a union of professionals representing 20,000 members in 55 locals across the state that include public school educators and support staff, higher education faculty and support staff, and public employees. OFT is the state affiliate of the American Federation of Teachers. OFT focuses on issues at the statewide level that include legislation, public policy and education policy, communications and political advocacy.
- Ohio Association of Public School Employees (OAPSE) - With more than 34,000 members in 480 locals around the state, the Ohio Association of Public School Employees (OAPSE/AFSCME Local 4) is the most powerful voice for the hard working men and women who serve Ohio’s school children, community and technical college students, those in early childhood education programs, children and adults with special needs and those who take advantage of our public libraries and other community services.
- Ohio Association of Secondary School Administrators (OASSA) - The Ohio Association of Secondary School Administrators is dedicated to the advocacy and welfare of its members. Our mission is to provide high standards of leadership through consultation and professional development, political astuteness, legislative influence, positive public relations, curricular initiatives, and collaboration with related organizations.
- Ohio Association of Elementary School Administrators (OAESA) - Quality education systems are essential in healthy, vibrant communities, and these systems rely on passionate, effective, and informed leadership. Yet across Ohio, many administrators face challenges: isolation, ill-informed policy, insufficient resources, time constraints, and a barrage of best practices. It can make the job feel overwhelming. The Ohio Association of Elementary School Administrators exists to meet these challenges. We connect and support pre-K – 8 administrators throughout their careers. We believe that every school deserves an effective, informed, and caring administrator to lead and support it. OAESA is here for administrators, so they can be there for their students, faculty, and communities.
Last Modified: 4/19/2022 3:10:22 PM