The Digital Future of Education in Ohio
Digital technology holds great promise for transforming education in ways only dreamed of 10 years ago. Just as technology is transforming how we buy groceries, prepare legal documents, buy and read books, communicate with each other, complete business transactions, and experience culture, art and entertainment, so too will it transform how education operates, is organized, and what it accomplishes with students. The Digital Task Force has been asked to make sure Ohio's legislative environment is conducive to and supportive of the educators and digital innovators at the heart of this transformation. We look forward to hearing from you as we embark upon this challenge
National Digital Learning Report
The Alliance for Excellent Education (the Alliance), founder and producer of Digital Learning Day, has produced a digital learning paper entitled, Culture Shift: Teaching in a Learner-Centered Environment Powered by Digital Learning.
Preparing all students to succeed in today’s increasingly global economy and complex world requires a shift from a teacher-centric culture to learner-centered instruction – a common strategy in Ohio career-technical education. This report examines the characteristics of learner-centered instruction and the support that educators and schools need to provide to make such an approach work.
Last Modified: 8/8/2024 1:28:21 PM