Test Coordinator

Test Coordinator

Ohio's State Tests (OST)


Fall Grade 3 English Language Arts Tests

The fall grade 3 English language arts (ELA) test window is Oct. 17-Nov. 4. All participating students must be preidentified in the Test Information Distribution Engine (TIDE) using the student Pre-ID File Layout for the 2022-2023 school year.
On-time paper test material orders will be delivered Oct. 3. The additional order window will be open in TIDE Oct. 4-Nov. 2. Districts can order additional paper test materials by accessing the “Paper Orders Grade 3 ELA Fall 2022.” All scorable grade 3 ELA paper test materials no later than one business day following the district’s five consecutive school-day test window. Additional information including scripts for online and paper testing are available in the Resources section of the test portal.

Fall High School End-of-Course (EOC) Tests

The fall high school English language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies test window is Nov. 28-Jan. 13. All participating students must be preidentified in TIDE using the student Pre-ID File Layout for the 2022-2023 school year.
On-time paper test material orders will be delivered Nov. 21. The additional order window will be open in TIDE Nov. 21-Jan. 11. Additional information including scripts for online and paper testing are available in the Resources section of the test portal.