State-Funded SAT Tests

State law requires districts and community schools to administer the state-funded ACT or SAT to all grade 11 students in the spring of the school year. Each year, districts and schools will select the test to administer to their juniors.

*Beginning Spring 2025 for the Class of 2026, a parent or guardian can exercise the option for their student not to take the state-funded ACT or SAT as indicated in state law.

All LEAs should make sure they have a current email address in OEDS ( and with the Ohio K-12 Help Desk (

Annual Survey for District Selection of College and Career Readiness Assessment (ACT or SAT) in Spring 2025

The annual survey for district selection of college and career readiness will be sent to superintendents on August 14,  2024, ending on September 13th.
JVSD and ESC schools do not participate in this survey; please see this notice for more information.

If your organization is a chartered nonpublic school choosing not to participate in the ACT/SAT, you will be directed to a new page in the survey.

Key Survey Completion Notes
  • If your school serves 11th grade students for the 2024-25 school year and none are presently enrolled, still select a vendor and complete all deadlines/requirements possible to be prepared for new students enrolling during the school year.
  • If you plan to partner with another school district, it is recommended that you make a choice of ACT or SAT as a backup in case partnering plans change during the school year. Complete all deadlines/requirements possible.
  • If the Building Test Coordinator (BTC) is not known, enter the DTC’s information. You will be asked to confirm whether the name entered is the BTC or a ‘Placeholder’. The DTC can then update the BTC any time after the vendor first reaches out to the DTC. 
To help districts make this important choice of ACT or SAT, each vendor’s updated spring 2025 informational presentations are available here:
Ohio ACT State Testing Overview—2025 Ohio SAT State Testing Overview—2025 Both the SAT and ACT vendors will be contacting districts/schools in late October 2024.  
If you do not receive a communication from your selected vendor by the first week in November or have any questions, please contact Michael Reiser at the Ohio Department of Education & Workforce at (614) 644-7305,

Spring 2025 SAT Digital Test Window

Districts choosing SAT for the State-Funded Test will be testing digitally.
One Window, 8 weeks in length is completely available.
Districts will only need to choose a start date within the window.
Digital Window
March 3rd – April 30th, 2025

SAT Resources for 2024-2025
*See SAT in Ohio webpage for rules/requirements (Presently, 2024 information posted; 2025 information will post as it becomes available)

Please direct questions about SAT test administration to or call 866-609-2205.
Please direct questions about graduation requirements to

Last Modified: 7/29/2024 3:52:36 PM