Gifted Screening and Identification
Ohio defines a student who is gifted as one who “performs or shows potential for performing at remarkably high levels of accomplishment when compared to others of their age, experience, or environment” (Ohio Revised Code 3324.01).
Public school districts (city, local, and exempted village) are required to identify students in grades K-12 for gifted identification in the following areas:
- Superior cognitive ability;
- Specific academic ability: mathematics, reading/writing, science, and social studies;
- Creative thinking ability; and
- Visual or performing arts ability: dance, drama, music, and visual arts.
Criteria for Identification by Ability Area
Superior Cognitive Ability: Districts shall identify students as gifted in the area of superior cognitive ability when a student accomplishes any of the following: scores two standard deviations above the mean, minus the standard error of measurement, on an approved intelligence test; performs at or above the ninety-fifth percentile on an approved composite battery of a nationally normed achievement test; or attains an approved score on an approved nationally-normed above grade level achievement test.
Specific Academic Ability: Districts shall identify students as gifted in the area of specific academic ability when a student performs at or above the ninety-fifth percentile in a specific academic ability field on an approved nationally-normed achievement test.
Creative Thinking Ability: Districts shall identify students as gifted in the area of creative thinking ability when a student scores one standard deviation above the mean, minus the standard error of measure, on an approved intelligence test and also attains either a qualifying score on an approved checklist of creative behaviors or a qualifying score on an approved creativity test.
Visual or Performing Arts Ability: Districts shall identify students as gifted in the area of visual or performing arts ability when a student demonstrates superior ability in a visual or performing arts area through a display of work, an audition, or other performance or exhibition and also obtains a qualifying score on an approved checklist of behaviors related to a specific arts area.
Approved Assessments
The Department of Education and Workforce maintains a list of assessments approved for gifted pre-screening and identification. More information regarding these approved assessments can be found on the Chart of Approved Assessments and Gifted Education webpage.
Referrals and Whole-Grade Screenings for Identification
A student is considered screened for gifted identification when he or she is evaluated using an instrument approved for gifted identification. Public school districts (city, local, and exempted village) will evaluate district students referred or recommended for gifted identification and provide opportunities for evaluation during whole-grade screenings.
Referrals: Parents, guardians, teachers, or peers may refer students for a gifted identification evaluation. Students may also refer themselves. Public school districts must evaluate a student within ninety days of an initial referral for gifted identification. Districts are required to provide two opportunities per year for the evaluation of students in grades K-12 who are referred for identification in any area of gifted ability.
Whole-Grade Screenings: Districts must provide whole-grade screenings in the areas of superior cognitive ability, specific academic ability reading/writing, specific academic ability mathematics, and creative thinking ability once during the K-2 grade band and once again during the 3-6 grade band. Districts must use assessments approved for gifted identification in order to meet this requirement.
Last Modified: 8/14/2024 12:59:40 PM