The Ohio Medicaid Schools Program

The Medicaid Schools Program (MSP) is a school payment program that allows school districts to receive Medicaid reimbursement for schools that provide school-based therapy services to students who receive Medicaid. MSP does not cover all the costs of school-based therapy, but it does help school districts pay for them. Without Medicaid payments, schools might be forced to offer less services that Medicaid cannot cover, or raise school levy levels.

The services that Medicaid pays for are part of a student’s Individualized Educational Plan (IEP). These services are authorized by a school's IEP team. Families only need to choose to sign a consent form to allow for Medicaid billing. This form is different than the consent form required to test and give services to students. School-based services should not lower the level of medically necessary services that a student receives outside of school. These services are not "more" services that students can receive, as schools are already required to cover all necessary IEP services under education laws. 

MSP is coordinated jointly between the Ohio Department of Medicaid (ODM) and the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce (DEW).

School and District Resources

Fiscal Documents

The below documents are related to the school district cost reports and annual Agreed Upon Procedures Engagement (AUPE). School district finance staff and MSP billing agents can find documents here that they need to process Medicaid reimbursement.

Policy Documents

To allow Medicaid to work effectively in school setting, school district administrators and therapists can refer to the below documents for guidance in using Medicaid rules and requirements. 

Rules and Requirements

The below links are related to the Ohio rules and law for the Medicaid for Schools Program. Services are also covered under the Individual with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). School district administrative staff, school therapists, and school district billing agents can use these resources to make sure MSP is run legally.

Participants List

Several agencies help school districts effectively administer MSP and keep the program compliant. Participants in the program include schools, auditors and vendors.

Last Modified: 4/25/2024 11:24:12 AM