

Apply to join statewide STEM initiative to create meaningful STEM learning experiences for students


STEM SAIL: OHIO is seeking new communities to join a statewide initiative of connected STEM Learning Ecosystems.

STEM Learning Ecosystems bring together leaders from K-12 education, community colleges, four-year universities and other postsecondary educational institutions, business and industry, government, out-of-school time providers, philanthropic foundations and others to create meaningful STEM learning experiences for students that connect to Ohio’s workforce needs of today and tomorrow.

Coordinated by the Teaching Institute for Excellence in STEM (TIES), funded by the State of Ohio with ESSER III federal funds and created in partnership with the Ohio Department of Education, STEM SAIL: OHIO provides connections and support to ecosystems throughout the state.

The Request for Applications opens Friday, Sept. 1, and applications are due Friday, Sept. 22. Please see the STEM SAIL: OHIO website for additional details. An informational webinar about this opportunity will be available on the website beginning at noon on Sept.1.

Email Ellen Marrison at ellenmarrison@tiesteach.org for additional information.