

Science of reading and dyslexia introductory literacy courses now available


Ohio’s Introduction to the Science of Reading courses

Ohio law calls for specific professional development in the science of reading. Under House Bill 33 of the 135th General Assembly, districts and schools shall require all teachers and administrators to complete a course provided by the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce not later than June 30, 2025, with exceptions for any teacher or administrator who has previously completed similar training, as determined by the Department. The Department has created multiple course pathways to meet the professional development requirements in law.

Two pathways are now available on the Learning Management System:  
  • Pathway A: Ohio’s Introduction to the Science of Reading, Kindergarten-Grade 5 
  • Pathway C: Ohio’s Introduction to the Science of Reading, Grades 6-12     
Additional pathways will be released in the coming weeks. Districts can determine which pathway an educator may take based on the grade band they serve, their role, and whether they have previously taken 18 hours of dyslexia professional development to partially fulfill the requirements of the law. 
Visit the Professional Development in the Science of Reading webpage for more information on available course pathways and access through the Learning Management System. This webpage also contains information on accessing and completing coursework, and Frequently Asked Questions.

Ohio’s Introduction to Dyslexia, Grades 4-12 courses

Ohio’s Introduction to Dyslexia, Grades 4-12 course is now available in the Learning Management System. This free course is one option available to educators to meet the professional development requirements of Ohio’s Dyslexia Support Laws. More information on accessing the course through the Learning Management System is available on the Department’s Dyslexia webpage.  

Questions about the professional development requirements can be sent to Dyslexia@education.ohio.gov. Contact OHID Profile Help at Profile.Help@education.ohio.gov for additional assistance.

Contact Learning Management System Support at LMSSupport@education.ohio.gov for help with the application.