

Literacy learning groundwork found in Ohio Early Learning and Development Standards


Updates to the Ohio Early Learning and Development Standards in the Language and Literacy domain align with Ohio's Plan to Raise Literacy Achievement. From birth to the end of preschool, these revisions reflect a comprehensive approach to child development.

The Language and Literacy domain focuses on language, communication and early literacy skills, including language and communication, phonological awareness, print awareness and emergent writing. These standards demonstrate how young children develop literacy skills through listening, speaking, building vocabulary, comprehending stories, recognizing sounds in words, learning the alphabet and developing basic writing abilities. Caregivers and educators play a vital role in nurturing these budding literacy skills through interactions, laying the groundwork for future learning and literacy.

For general questions about Ohio's Early Learning and Development Standards, contact ELSR@education.ohio.gov. For questions about the Language and Literacy domain, contact LiteracyOhio@education.ohio.gov