21st Century Timeline

21st Century Timeline

Important 21st CCLC Dates

Event Date Details Location Point of Contact
21stCAFE:  Foundations Seminar and Community of Practice
*21stCAFE Foundations is the first seminar in the series and is REQUIRED for everyone who received a new grant in FY25
Registration Begins: 06/03/2024 Communities of Practice: Seminar consists of three online learning modules and three virtual workshops 9/24, 10/8 & 10/15 from 9:30 AM- 12 PM

Virtual Community of Practice dates are 9/10, 11/7 & 2/6  from 9:30-11:00 AM.  The last Community of Practice is in-person on 4/29 from 9 AM-12 PM at the State Library of Ohio
Virtual (Zoom)
State Library of Ohio
274 E 1st Ave #100, Columbus, OH 43201
Sarah DeShon

Register before 9/10/2024 at: 
21stCAFE:  Engaging Every Family Seminar and Community of Practice 
*This is the second seminar in the series - for graduates of 21stCAFE Foundations.
Grantees who completed 21stCAFE Foundations are strongly encouraged to attend Engaging Every Family.
Registration Begins: 6/3/2024 Communities of Practice: Seminar consists of three online learning modules and three virtual workshops 12/10, 12/17 & 1/7 from 9:30 AM- 12 PM

Virtual Community of Practice dates are 12/3, 2/4 & 3/4  from 9:30-11 AM.  The last Community of Practice is in-person on 4/29 from 9 AM-12 PM at the State Library of Ohio
Virtual (Zoom)
State Library of Ohio
274 E 1st Ave #100, Columbus, OH 43201
Sarah DeShon

Register before 12/3/2024 at: 
21stCAFE: Specialty Mini Seminars (MS) and Community of Practice
**This is the third seminar and community of practice in the series-for graduates of 21stCAFE Foundations and Engaging Every Family.
Registration Begins: 6/3/2024 Communities of Practice: Seminar consists of three online learning modules and three virtual workshops 1/14, 1/25 & 1/28 from 9:30 AM- 12 PM

*Optional Virtual Community of Practice dates are *12/3, *2/4 & 2/27 from 9:30-11 AM.  The last Community of Practice is in-person on 4/29 from 9 AM-12 PM at the State Library of Ohio
Virtual (Zoom)
State Library of Ohio
274 E 1st Ave #100, Columbus, OH 43201
Sarah DeShon

Register before 1/7/2025 for Elementary Reading at: https://go.osu.edu/

Register before 1/14/2025 for Adolescent Development at: https://go.osu.edu/

Register before 1/21/2025 for Student Mental Health at:  https://go.osu.edu/
21APR Staffing and Participation 9/16/2024 Deadline 11/1/2024 Submission window for 21APR Staffing & Participation opens ODE Monitoring Application University of Cincinnati
Evaluation Services
21st CCLC Orientation 10/01/2024 from 9am – 3pm This training is mandatory for Program Managers who have newly awarded 21st CCLC grants and/or are first-time managers of 21st CCLC grants Virtual (Zoom) Contact: Chad Heileman 

Training Resources
& Recordings
21st CCLC Evaluation & Data Collection Training 10/02/2024 from 9am – 3pm This training is mandatory for ALL Program Managers and ALL Local Evaluators of 21st CCLC grants Virtual (Zoom) Contact: Chad Heileman 

Training Resources
& Recordings
Grant Closeout Fiscal Review Deadline 10/04/2024 For Grants Closed 6/30/2024 (see details here) ODE Monitoring Application Stacey Brinkley
FY25 Program Start Date 10/14/2024 FY25 Programming is expected to begin by 10/14/2024 – with licenses/exemptions in place N/A N/A
21st CCLC Monitoring Review Webinar 12/4/2024

All 1st year grantees and those in years 2, 3 or 4 shown in the FY25 CAPA Monitoring Review  Please register here. Tiffany Cartier White
Jacqueline Cheadle
21APR Data Submission - Outcomes System open for Outcomes data entry beginning 12/1/2024;
Deadline 2/3/2025.
Prepare by completing this worksheet for the 23-24 school year and summer 2023 (if applicable) ODE Data Collection Application 21st CCLC Data Coordinator
Qualtrics Links Sent for End of Year Reporting (for FY24) November 2024 Grantees receive a specific link for each grant on which they will report Links sent to program manager via email University of Cincinnati
Evaluation Services
End of Year Reporting Due (for FY24) 12/1/2024 Reports are submitted directly to UC using grant-specific survey links received in November Qualtrics Survey University of Cincinnati
Evaluation Services
First Year Implementation Deadline 1/17/2025 Fiscal and Programmatic documentation mandatory for all new FY25 grantees  ODE Monitoring Application Jacqueline Cheadle

Sheila Samson (fiscal)
Compliance and Performance Assessment (CAPA) Deadline 1/17/2025 Fiscal and programmatic documents to be uploaded by 1/17/2025 ODE Monitoring Application Jacqueline Cheadle
(SW and SE Region)

Tiffany Cartier White
(NW and NE Region)

Stacey Brinkley
(Central region)

Sheila Samson
Ohio's 2025 Out-of-School Time Conference 2/11/2025-2/12/2025 Program Managers for 21st CCLC are required to attend (Treasurer/Authorized Fiscal Representatives are required to attend Day 1) Greater Columbus Convention Center Contact: Chad Heileman 
21st CCLC Bidders' Conference To be announced for FY27 TBA TBA Shannon Teague
21st CCLC Question & Answer Session To be announced for FY27 TBA TBA Shannon Teague
CCIP Navigation Training TBA Virtual 2-hour session targets those interested in applying for a 21st CCLC grant Registration TBA Jacqueline Cheadle
Continuation Plan Training 03/12/2025

10:00am – 12:00pm
Program Managers or Evaluators (staff who submit end of year reports for the grant) Registration TBA Stacey Brinkley
FY26 Continuation Grant Application Period 03/03/2025-04/04/2025 For all continuation grantees in years 2, 3, 4 and 5 CCIP Regional Consultant
FY25 Program End Date 4/11/2025 FY25 Programming must be provided through 4/11/2025 N/A N/A
5th Year Grant Closeout Training 05/16/2025

9:00am - 11:00am
Virtual 2-hour session - mandatory for all 5th Year Program Managers TBA Sheila Samson

2025 Fiscal Dates

Please ensure your OH|ID and roles are set up to obtain CCIP access from your OEDS-R Administrator. Information about this process can be found here. Please see your assigned grant manager point of contact in the CCIP address book.

Event Date Details Location
FY25 Grant Period 7/1/2024-6/30/2025 Reflects FY2025 N/A
Project Cash Requests Ongoing Submit PCRs via CCIP CCIP
Final Expenditure Reports Due annually 9/30 FY25 FERs due in the CCIP 9/30/2025
Budget Revisions No later than 6/30/2025 Revisions must be approved prior to last day of programming. Must be in “authorized rep approved” CCIP status by 6/30/2025 CCIP
5th Year Closeout October 2025 For grantees whose 5th and final year will end 6/30/2025 N/A

COSA Trainings

Trainings provided by the Center for Out of School Advancement (COSA)

Regional Technical Training (Serving Youth with Special Needs)

This regional technical training will focus on best practices for implementing engaging STEM activities for all ages in to your OST program(s). Upcoming trainings below will focus on Building a Partnership with your School District or Community Based Organization. 

  • Southeast Region (virtual): 8/27/2024 
  • Southwest Region (virtual): 8/30/2024 
  • Northeast Region (virtual): 8/29/2024 
  • Northwest Region (virtual): 8/26/2024 
  • Central Region (virtual): 8/28/2024 

Click here to visit COSA's registration page.

Statewide and National Conferences

There are several optional statewide and national conferences grantees may be interested in attending. A listing of a conference does not reflect an endorsement by the Department. 

This page will be updated throughout the year (as needed) and any updates will be sent via email at that time. If you have any questions regarding the timeline, please contact us.

Last Modified: 2/3/2025 7:50:39 AM