There are Choices for Families When it Comes to Education in Ohio

Ensuring each child is challenged, prepared and empowered for his or her future starts with providing opportunities to meet the needs of each child across the state. Ohio’s 1.7 million schoolchildren represent our future and require educational environments that support the development of their diverse identities and interests, while also serving their unique learning needs. Ohio recognizes that learners come in all shapes and sizes and provides information to help families make informed choices for educating their children.

Browse the school and program options below.

Community (Charter) Schools

Enrollment in community schools is the decision of the family and does not require permission from the home school district. These schools are Ohio public schools and are free to Ohio residents. Community schools can be physical school buildings OR online e-schools.

Office of Community Schools,
Email Office

Chartered NonPublic 
(Private) Schools

A chartered nonpublic school is a private school that holds a valid charter issued by the State of Ohio and maintains compliance with the Operating Standards for Ohio's Schools. These schools are not supported by local or state tax dollars and require the family to pay tuition. 

Office of Nonpublic Educational Options, Email Office

Non-Chartered, Non-PUBLIC Schools

Non-chartered, non-public supported schools (NCNP) are schools that, because of truly held religious beliefs, choose not to be chartered by the State of Ohio. These schools are also referred to as parochial or religious schools.

Office of Nonpublic Educational Options, Email Office

Department-Sponsored Schools

The Office of School Sponsorship is the office within the Ohio Department of Education that serves as a direct sponsor of community schools. 

Office of School Sponsorship
Sheila Vitale, Administrator


Parents interested in educating their children at home may do so by notifying their local school district superintendents and meeting the requirements of Ohio law to home school. If requirements are met, the district superintendent releases the student from required compulsory school attendance. 

Office of Nonpublic Educational Options, Email Office


Ohio provides scholarships to private schools for qualifying students throughout the state. There also are scholarships available for families who are considered low income and  students with learning disabilities to schools or programs to meet  students' needs.

Office of Nonpublic Educational Options,
Christine Burns, Administrator

Additional Education Options and Programs


Last Modified: 1/10/2025 1:24:00 PM