Competency-Based Diploma Pilot Program

The Competency-Based Pilot Program helps adults earn a high school diploma. The program is free to adults who are over 18-21 years old, living in Ohio and do not have a diploma or a high school equivalency.

Counselors work with the adult learners to develop individual plans to identify the courses and assessments needed to graduate and earn a diploma. Providers try their best to schedule instructional dates and times to meet the needs of adult learners.

Please contact one of the Competency-Based Pilot Programs listed below where someone will answer your questions and help you enroll in a program to earn your high school diploma.

Competency-Based Pilot Program Information

  • Age: Open to adults 18-21
  • Diploma Type: Locally issued High School Diploma awarded
  • Availability: Available at educational approved institutions throughout the state
  • Testing: Students must meet the graduation requirements from the time of entry in 9th grade (i.e. earn required number of credits; pass OGT/proficiency, etc.)
  • Duration: Maximum of 2 consecutive years to complete program
  • Requirements: There are no minimum number of High School credits required but there is limit of 2 consecutive years for a student to earn credits. Participants must be withdrawn from school. The Pilot ends June 30, 2025.
  • Additional Requirements: No requirement to pursue higher education degree
  • Best For... Best for adults who want to earn a High School Diploma and want to pursue any career field (not just in-demand jobs)
The Ohio Department of Education and Workforce is updating the “Workforce Readiness” score for the WorkKeys Assessments. Based on updates to the assessments and review of score alignments to job readiness, the Department will shift the required competency score to the Silver National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC). This level equates to a minimum score of “4” on each of the three assessments: Applied Math, Graphic Literacy, and Workplace Documents.
This score will be effective for the 2024-2025 school year for students utilizing WorkKeys as part of their pathway through high school graduation, and immediately for adult learners using WorkKeys to complete their Adult Diploma requirements. If a learner would like to use a previously obtained score on the assessments to apply to these new requirements, they may do so by reaching out to their relevant education partners.  
For any questions about the score change, reach out to the Adult Options team at

Last Modified: 11/21/2024 10:48:37 AM