Competency-Based Diploma Pilot Program Resources


The Ohio Department of Education and Workforce is updating the “Workforce Readiness” score for the WorkKeys Assessments. Based on updates to the assessments and review of score alignments to job readiness, the Department will shift the required competency score to the Silver National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC). This level equates to a minimum score of “4” on each of the three assessments: Applied Math, Graphic Literacy, and Workplace Documents.
This score will be effective for the 2024-2025 school year for students utilizing WorkKeys as part of their pathway through high school graduation, and immediately for adult learners using WorkKeys to complete their Adult Diploma requirements. If a learner would like to use a previously obtained score on the assessments to apply to these new requirements, they may do so by reaching out to their relevant education partners.  
For any questions about the score change, reach out to the Adult Options team at

Last Modified: 11/6/2024 2:22:40 PM