Title II, Part A: Supporting Effective Instruction

Title II, Part A: Supporting Effective Instruction


The purpose of the Title II-A grant is to provide supplemental activities that strengthen the quality and effectiveness of teachers, principals and other school leaders to:

  1. Increase student achievement consistent with state standards;
  2. Improve the quality and effectiveness of teachers, principals and other school leaders;
  3. Increase the number of teachers, principals and other school leaders who are effective in improving student academic achievement in schools; and
  4. Provide low-income and minority students greater access to effective teachers, principals and other school leaders.

Eligible Recipients

The U.S. Department of Education (USDOE) awards Title II-A funds to State Educational Agencies (SEAs), which then subgrant funds to Local Educational Agencies (LEAs). Local Education Agencies in Ohio are public school districts, community schools, and independent STEM schools. Allocations are based on a formula related to the LEAs prior year Title I-A funding.

Non-profit private schools within a school district’s geographical boundaries may be eligible to receive Title II-A services from the district based on enrollment.

Allowable Activities

LEAs may use Title II-A funds for a broad range of activities, including but not limited to recruiting, hiring, and retaining effective teachers, implementing supports for principals and other school leaders, and providing high-quality, personalized, evidence-based professional development for teachers, instructional leadership teams, principals or other school leaders.


Last Modified: 1/7/2025 4:50:10 PM