December Newsletter (Corrected)
Corrected Message:
Your immediate attention is required!
The FY21 and FY22 Final Expenditure Reports (FER) for the BroadbandOhio Connectivity and Coronavirus Relief Fund grants was due Nov. 22, 2021.
This message is applicable to you only if you have drawn funds and failed to submit your FER or you have filed your FER but have not submitted the requested documents to support reported expenditures. Several reminders have been sent and can be viewed in the history log. Federal guidelines and grant assurances require grantees to comply with closeout and audit procedures. The grant period of availability is ending for these grants. It is imperative that you file the FER and/or submit all required documents. Failure to comply may result in the Department requesting a refund due to noncompliance. Please submit the required information today. If you need assistance, please email or reach out to your Grants Management Consultant which can be found in the CCIP address book.
If your FERs have already been submitted and approved, please disregard this message.