New Resources

This video details the differences between disproportionate representation (Indicators 9 & 10) and significant disproportionality in identification. (PDF of slides)

Addressing Significant Disproportionality in Ohio

In 2016, the federal Office of Special Education Programs amended the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) regulations relating to significant disproportionality. This disproportionality generally occurs when students of one racial or ethnic group are more likely to receive special education identification, placement in a more restrictive setting, or more out of class discipline compared to all other students, thus denying them access to instruction and the support they need to succeed academically.

The IDEA requires the Department to promote equity by identifying and preventing significant disproportionality. Looking at disproportionality data helps ensure that the right services are getting to the right students in the right way. 

Manuals and Guidance

Significant Disproportionality Resources

Implementing disporportionality Regulations

As these changes are implemented, the Department will continue to gather stakeholder groups to offer feedback and help design policies, practices, procedures and supports to address disproportionality.

As you prepare EMIS student data, it is important to confirm the accuracy of discipline data submitted. The Department recommends special education staff work with personnel responsible for reporting discipline events to ensure accuracy of these data: 

  • Reported number of days of discipline;
  • Discipline type;
  • Race of the student; and
  • Disability condition (or lack thereof) in the student detail record.

Find more information about the new disproportionality regulations here.

Ohio Department of Education Resources


(P) 614-466-2650
(Toll free) 877-644-6338
(F) 614-728-1097
25 S. Front Street, Mail Stop 409
Columbus, Ohio 43215

For callers using TTY, please call Ohio Relay Service at (800) 750-0750.

Last Modified: 4/9/2024 2:18:43 PM