Testing Time for Ohio’s State Tests

In 2016, the Ohio Department of Education shortened the state tests in English language arts and mathematics by a range of 39-50 percent from previous tests given.

Here are the testing times for state tests beginning with school year 2016-2017. Schools have flexibility to give an entire test on one day. Or, they may choose to give a test in two parts on two separate days. The English Language Arts tests (grades 6-8, ELA I and ELA II) will have two writing prompts as described in the Ohio Blueprint. Students need adequate time to organize and support their responses with facts from the reading passages. The testing time noted above for these ELA tests are divided into two sessions of 1 hour and 45 minutes each. Students needing additional time to complete the test may be allowed, at each district’s discretion, 30 additional minutes (15 minutes per session for a total of two hours per session). Not all students will need this additional time and, in some sessions, no students will need this time. Schools also should provide students with disabilities additional time as needed, according to their individualized education programs.

The Department conducted an analysis of state testing and issued the 2015 testing report and recommendations.

Last Modified: 12/18/2024 1:18:03 PM