

PAX Good Behavior Game and PAX tools statewide survey


Nationwide Children’s Hospital and collaborating project partners would like to highlight an opportunity for PAX Good Behavior Game (GBG) trained teachers, administrators, partners, educational leaders, and community educators to participate in a statewide evaluation of PAX GBG and PAX Tools in Ohio. This project is funded by the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services with a grant from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.

Professionals identified in any of the following groups, are invited to complete the evaluation survey:

  • PAX GBG-trained K-6 teachers;
  • PAX GBG administrators;
  • PAX partners;
  • Organizational and educational leaders who may or may not be involved in PAX efforts (those from state support teams, educational service centers, mental health boards, and others);
  • PAX Tools users and community educators.

The evaluation survey may take up to 15 minutes to complete. Results of the evaluation will identify successes, gaps, needs, and funding mechanisms for PAX efforts. Recommendations will be generated to support PAX efforts in Ohio schools and communities. Respondents will be entered for the chance to win an Amazon gift card.

Please note that Nationwide Children’s Hospital has several evaluations through this statewide project occurring simultaneously, so you may receive multiple notices about ongoing opportunities for participation.

Contact Abby Helsinger at johnso49@miamioh.edu or at 513-529-3469 with any questions.