Title IV, Part A - Student Support and Academic Enrichment

Title IV, Part A - Student Support and Academic Enrichment

Stronger Connections Grant Information

Program Contacts

Lisa Huckins
Education Program Specialist
Title IV Coordinator
(614) 644-6095

Morgan Brown
Associate Director
(614) 466-7918


Title IV-A is called Student Support and Academic Enrichment. The U.S. Department of Education awards Title IV-A funds to state educational agencies (SEAs), which then subgrant funds to Local Education Agencies (LEAs).


The purpose of the Title IV-A grant program is to improve students’ academic achievement by increasing the capacity of states, LEAs, schools and local communities to:
     1. Provide all students with access to a well-rounded education;
     2. Improve school conditions for student learning; and
     3. Improve the use of technology in order to improve the academic achievement and digital literacy of all students.

Important Considerations for LEAs receiving Title IV-A funding:

  1. LEAs must meaningfully consult with a wide array of stakeholders when designing their Title IV-A programs. The stakeholder consultation must continue when improving Title IV-A activities and coordinating with other activities in the community.
  2. LEAs that receive $30,000 or more in Title IV-A funds must, at least once every three years, conduct a comprehensive needs assessment of the following:
    1. Access to and opportunities for a well-rounded education for all students;
    2. School conditions for student learning to create a healthy and safe school environment;
    3. Access to personalized learning experiences supported by technology and professional development for the effective use of data and technology.
  3. LEAs must prioritize Title IV-A funds to schools that:
    1. Have the greatest needs as determined by the LEA;
    2. Have the highest percentages or numbers of low-income children;
    3. Are identified for comprehensive support and improvement under Title I;
    4. Are implementing targeted support and improvement plans under Title I; or
    5. Are identified as a persistently dangerous school under Section 8532.9.
  4. LEAs must develop objectives for their Title IV-A programs and intended outcomes for Title IV-A-funded activities. LEAs must use these objectives and outcomes to periodically evaluate the effectiveness of these activities. LEAs also must provide the SEA with information about their progress toward their objectives and outcomes so the SEA can satisfy its reporting requirements.
  5. Special Funding Rules:
    1. LEAs that receive $30,000 or more in Title IV-A funds must spend:
      1. At least 20 percent on strategies/activities to support a well-rounded education;
      2. At least 20 percent on strategies/activities to support safe and healthy students; and
      3. At least some funds on strategies/activities to support the effective use of technology. Annually, LEAs may not spend more than 15 percent of the funds used for technology on technology infrastructure.
    2. LEAs that receive less than $30,000 in Title IV-A funds must meet at least one of the above requirements (that is, spend at least 20 percent on activities to support a well-rounded education or at least 20 percent on activities to support safe and healthy students or at least some funds for activities to support the effective use of technology). No more than 15 percent of the technology funds may be spent on technology infrastructure.
    3. Cap on Administrative Costs: LEAs may not spend more than 2 percent of their Title IV-A funds on direct administrative costs.

Annual Reports

The Title IV-A annual report is intended to inform the public about how Ohio school districts and community schools are prioritizing spending to support the three content areas of Title IV-A: Well-Rounded Education, Safe and Healthy Students, and the Effective Use of Technology.


Ohio Department of Education, Title IV-A Spending Guidance
United States Department of Education, Title IV-A Non-Regulatory Guidance
Equitable Services Guidance

Last Modified: 6/30/2023 3:48:07 PM