Stronger Connections Grants Awarded.
Read the full press release

The Stronger Connections Grant was authorized under the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act. Ohio received $35 million to award to Local Education Agencies (LEAs) to provide students with safe and healthier learning environments that prepare them for success. Safe, inclusive and supportive learning environments are associated with improved academic achievement and emotional well-being of students, as well as with reductions in disciplinary actions, as described in this letter from the United States Department of Education. The SCG is a supplement to the Title IV, Part A, Student Support and Academic Enrichment (SSAE) program. The grant will be awarded competitively to LEAs that meet selected criteria indicating they are “High-Needs” for school health and safety.

Stronger Connections Grant Awards 

The Department is pleased to announce the LEAs that received a Stronger Connections Grant Award. The grant award document includes Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3 award amounts and a total award amount. The grant award document matches the allocation amounts in the Stronger Connections Grant application within the Comprehensive Continuous Improvement Plan (CCIP) system. In addition, the Superintendent/Authorized Representative for LEAs that receive a Stronger Connections Grant award will receive confirmation of this award through an email grant award notice. 

Stronger Connections Grant Allowable Uses of Funds

1. Student Physical and Mental Health

  • Drug and violence prevention
  • Health and safety practices in school or athletic programs
  • School-based health and mental health services
  • Healthy, active lifestyle, nutritional education
  • Physical activities
  • Trauma-informed classroom management
  • Preventing use of alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, smokeless tobacco, electronic cigarettes
  • Chronic disease management
  • Professional development and training for school staff on student physical and mental health
  • Other training or activity that fosters safety, health, and related training for school staff​​

2. Safe and Supportive Schools

  • Preventing bullying and harassment
  • Relationship building skills
  • School dropout prevention
  • Reentry programs and transition services for justice-involved youth
  • Establish learning environments and enhance students’ effective learning skills that are essential for school readiness and academic success, such as by providing integrated systems of student and family supports
  • Child sexual abuse awareness and prevention
  • Reducing use of exclusionary discipline practices and promoting supportive school discipline
  • Suicide prevention
  • Violence prevention, crisis management, and conflict resolution
  • Preventing human trafficking
  • Building school and community relationships
  • Culturally responsive teaching and professional development of implicit bias
  • Professional development and training for school staff on safe and supportive schools
  • Other programs or activities that foster safe, healthy, supportive and drug-free school environments including direct student services and professional development and training for school staff

​3. Cross-Cutting Authorized Activities

  • Mentoring and school counseling
  • Schoolwide Positive Behavioral Interventions
  • Pay-for-Success initiatives aligned with the purposes of Title IV-A

Prohibited Uses of Funds

There are several prohibited uses of funds under the Stronger Connections Grant. Any activity or program that would require construction is prohibited. Construction includes preparation of drawings/specifications for school facilities; building, repairing, or remodeling school facilities; or debt service for any such activities.
LEAs also cannot use funds for the provision to any person of a dangerous weapon or training in the use of a dangerous weapon, for any activities prohibited by the ESEA, and generally cannot be used for transportation (unless otherwise authorized under ESEA).


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USED Stronger Connections Grant Frequently Asked Questions
Stronger Connections Grant Competitive Application Process
Stronger Connections Grant Frequently Asked Questions
Stronger Connections Grant Estimated Award Amounts
Stronger Connections Grant Application Template
Stronger Connections Grant Webinar 1
Stronger Connections Grant Webinar 2

Last Modified: 1/7/2025 4:51:13 PM