September Newsletter
FY21 Project Cash Requests and Final Expenditure Reports
Final expenditure reports (FERs) are due Sept 30. All project cash requests (PCRs) must be in paid status before you can start the FER. To allow sufficient processing time, submit final FY21 PCRs by Sept 17. Payments due to grantees after this date will automatically be generated once the FER is approved. We encourage you to submit a PCR by the deadline date to ensure you have needed funds. Payments generated from the FER can take a considerable amount of time to receive since FERs are approved in the order received. Note the FER for the
BroadbandOhio Connectivity and Coronavirus Relief Fund grants is due Nov. 22.
2021 Federal Subsidy Report
The Office of Grants Management is pleased to announce the
2021 Federal Subsidy Summary Report now is available on the
Ohio Department of Education’s website. Thank you for your patience as we verified the data contained in the report. Please contact the
Office of Grants Management with any questions.