Model Curriculum for Computer Science


Ohio’s Model Curriculum for Computer Science (adopted 2022) 

Now Available

See below for more information.

Special Note Regarding Accessibility

The Ohio Department of Education and Workforce is dedicated to making information posted on these webpages accessible, in accordance with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. We will be making improvements to portable document format (PDF) documents so that computer science documents are more accessible. In the meantime, those needing assistance may contact (877) 644-6338.

Model curriculum offers local educators in-depth guidance for Ohio’s Learning Standards. It

also explains related skills and knowledge students are to learn in each grade and course. The purpose of Ohio’s model curriculum is to provide clarity to the standards, as well as information to assist educators in planning and implementing their local curricula.

The model curriculum is not a complete curriculum nor is it mandated for use by districts.


Ohio's Model Curriculum for Computer Science (adopted 2022)

In Fall of 2021, the public was invited to provide comment on the current standards and model curriculum. Advisory group members, who have educational background or professional experience in computer science, met several times to discuss the public comment and make suggestions for revisions. The advisory group then provided direction and guidance to the working groups of Ohio educators, who worked to write the revisions. The model curriculum was adopted in September of 2022. 

2022 Model Curricula

Ohio's Model Curriculum for Computer Science Full Document (adopted 2022)

2022 Kindergarten-Grade 8 Model Curricula 2022 Grade 9-12 Model Curricula

Instructional Supports

The Department of Education and Workforce will work with teams of Ohio computer science educators to create computer science instructional supports. These supports will provide examples and instructional tools/resources that align to Ohio's Computer Science Standards. Once published, the instructional supports section will continue to be reviewed and updated. Ohio educators are encouraged to submit comments and recommendations to John Wiseman.

Last Modified: 8/9/2024 9:38:59 AM